Best 13 How To Be Happy Tips

Best 14 How To Be Happy Tips

Learning how to be happy can sometimes be a hard task to achieve,

When you have a lot of things happening around you its hard to appreciate the little things that can make you happy.

In this post i will be sharing the best 13 tips on how to be happy and live a fulfilling life.

Without further ado lets get started…..

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1. Be Yourself

This is probably one of the most important tips you will ever learn when learning how to be happy,

Being yourself and accepting yourself for who you really and not comparing yourself to anyone else is key.

Everyone is unique and beautiful in their own way and so are you,

Stop comparing yourself to people or trying to be like them, you are the only you there will ever be.

Never live your life to please anyone because they aren’t living their lives to please you, be you.

When you decide to be yourself,

Unconsciously you remove borders and expectations people have set for you and even ones you might have set for yourself.

You get comfortable in being in your own skin, not afraid to admit your faults,

You become a whole different person who is unaffected by the worlds opinion of you and what you should be.

2. Make Your Own Decisions

Make decisions based on what you want, not what you think people will like,

Wear clothes because you like them, not because someone told you that you would look good if you wore it,

Do things because you really want to do them,

Learning to politely decline when you don’t want something will save you a lot of stress and frustration.

Start making financial decisions based on what you have and what you need not because your friends are all doing something and you need to do it too to feel “among”.

Being yourself is the best gift that you can ever give yourself.

3. Organize Your Life Using A Journal Or An Application

How to be happy - organize your life

It’s very important to find an application that can help you organize your life all in one place and de-clutter your thoughts to help avoid overthinking,

You can have it on your laptop,

Tablet and even on your mobile phone, the important thing is to able to access it anywhere and anytime you want.

Happiness is looking at where exactly you are in your life and being grateful for being there,

Understanding that everything that is wrong will get better but most of all appreciating all that you have in that moment in time.

It’s important to note things down in an organized manner, to be able to see your goals, your progress, your dreams, finances, in one place

And truly see how far you are from achieving your dream and being where you want to be in life,

Planning and organization makes a once chaotic life very easy to manage by just staring at everything together all in one place and deciding to do what you can every day to get to where you want to be.

I discovered notion online while searching for personal organization applications and since then I have never turned back,

It is by far one of the best organizational applications available for taking charge of your life, and what’s more,

It is completely free for personal use! you do not have to pay any money to use it for just you.

Notion has all kinds of tools that can help you design your life plan the way you see fit, track everything that you want,

Including calendars that help you keep up to date with everything and you can even embed YouTube videos and web pages into it to personalize it even further,

A journal template is also available where you can write down your thoughts, how awesome is that!

To help you get started on Notion, watch this video, it will explain everything you need to get started.

4. Keep Your Home And Work Space Organized and Neat.

How to be happy - organize your Living space

There is this peace that comes with seeing things organized and right where they are supposed to be, neat, clean, and simple,

It gives you this feeling and peace and control.

Personally, when things are disorganized around me I feel like my entire life is the same too,

I find it difficult to find things or even carry out the simplest of tasks.

Cleanliness and organization give the feeling that your life is organized and that you have everything under control,

It gives you the boost you need to keep moving, to keep achieving more and more goals.

So get up and get to work,

Give out old things that you no longer need to charity and organize what you have left, and experience the peace that comes with it.

5. Never Skip A Meal, Eat Regularly And Healthy.

How to be happy - Eat Healthy

Eating healthy is a must in the process of taking charge of your life.

Having a balanced diet 3 times a day is one of the most important things that you need to see to in your day to day life,

A balanced diet gives your body the nutrients it needs to function correctly.

Your daily diet should include fresh fruits, fresh vegetables, whole grains, legumes, nuts, and lean proteins

When you have a good diet, its a lot easier to go about your daily activities,

You feel more agile and aware of your environment and your emotions are in check.

Never miss out on the opportunity of treating yourself to that great place of steak at that fancy restaurant,

Pampering yourself is one of the most important things that you can do for yourself because it helps you practice self-love and care.

6. Reduce Caffeine, And Alcohol intake

Drinks containing caffeine should be reduced or totally avoided,

the intake of caffeine has been thought to improve agility and speed, therefore, making you more energetic to carry out your day to day activities,

But while caffeine has its positive side, its negative attribute can be detrimental to your health.

When you continuously take in caffeine regularly,

Your body gradually builds up a tolerance to it, this makes it harder to achieve the benefits that you once had with it,

Therefore you feel the need to increase the amount of your intake in order to achieve the benefits,

Over a long period of time,

You become more and more dependent on caffeine to be able to carry out your daily routine.

Heavy users who have to go without caffeine for some time can experience withdrawal symptoms such as headaches and fatigue.

Taking regular high amounts of caffeine can cause side effects such as stomach upset, dehydration, nausea, and sleeping difficulties,

It can also cause high blood pressure in people who are prone to this disease.

It is also very important to experience life when you are not under the influence of alcohol, alcohol helps numb out emotional pain and worry,

But at the end of the day,

What you are left with after consuming alcohol is the same problem you had before consuming it plus a bad headache and less time.

If you must take alcohol its important to take it in moderation.

7. Cut Out Toxic People And Bad Influences From Your Life.

How to be happy - Stay away from toxic people

You might have people in your life who don’t really add any value to you,

Most of them maybe self-absorbed or even downright toxic,

It is impossible to be happy when you are constantly surrounded by negative energy.

Toxic people drain the energy from you, they are not supportive, and they are probably the most difficult people you will ever meet,

It is very important to identify a toxic or manipulative person and stop them from further having an influence or hold in your life.

Life is too short to spend time around people who don’t see your worth or use you to make themselves feel better, convincing you that nothing will ever work out.

They have a problem for every solution.

You need to be around people who know who you really are and love you for being that person,

people who are aware that you have made mistakes and that you are not perfect.

If you have been in a relationship with a toxic person,

It’s very important that you detach yourself away from them and further evaluate how their behaviors may have influenced you and try to work on eliminating these effects in your life.

Signs of toxic people include:-

  1. Speaking badly about other people

2. Having a negative mindset and outlook on things

3. Lack of compassion for themselves and others

4. lying all the time

5. Talking way more than they listen

6. Treating others poorly

7. Trying to control you

It is important to note that we as human beings may find some of these qualities in ourselves as we are not perfect human beings too if you do find that you have some of these qualities,

Then here are things that you should do to heal:-

  1. Admit that you have a problem

2. Take some time away for yourself

3. Practice meditation and self-control

4. Seek support from family and friends

5. Take responsibility for your actions

6. Stay away from old habits or other toxic people

7. Give yourself time to heal.

8. If Something Scares You, Do It, Get Out Of Your Comfort Zone.

How to be happy - Get Out Of Your Comfort Zone

A very shy friend of mine really liked dancing but she was so scared to actually do it in front of anybody,

Her company was hosting a staff party where they had a talent show for anybody interested in competing.

She really wanted to it but she was so scared, and because she was a really shy person,

It took a long time to convince herself that she could do it, long story short,

She ended up competing after we told her that she could do it and that she was the best dancer that we knew and that the world needed to see her dance.

When we asked her why she later decided to do it she said, “i was scared to do it,

So i did it to prove to myself that i could”,

She felt so happy after that, we were all happy for her and everyone at the party enjoyed her dance and ended up complimenting her for it even months after the party.

My point is this, sometimes we create a mental prison for ourselves,

We find ways to talk ourselves out of things that we want because we are afraid,

My friend taught me, that if you are scared of something,

That is all the more reason you need to do it, because by doing it,

You push boundaries that you have for yourself mentally, further away.

9. Eliminate The Victim Mindset

How to be happy - Eliminate the victim mindset

The mindset of a victim is that they are powerless, that they have been or are being treated unfairly

They believe the reason they are where they are in their life is being treated this way or because of something that happened to them in the past a long time ago or even recently that.

People who have this mindset usually have a memory of an experience from their past that makes them feel this way.

Because of this feeling of powerlessness they are unable to confront their fears or even make the decision to stand up and fight for what they want,

A person with a victim mindset sees that they are being treated unfairly in many situations that they find themselves in.

By taking charge of your life you accept that you have been through a lot and that so many things have happened to turn you into who you are right now and that if you have a problem with who that person is,

You can always do something about it, because you have the power to.

If you have this mindset, here are things that you can do to stop it

  1. Stop labeling yourself a victim

2. Think about why you have this mentality

3. Accept Responsibilities for your actions

4. Encourage Positive self talk and compassion

5. Identify your personal needs and goals

6. Make a list of things you can do to stop yourself from feeling this way.

It’s important to note that there isn’t anything wrong with you,

People who have the victim mindset have usually experiences hurt or betrayal in the past hence the feeling of powerlessness.

You need to understand that you are better than being a victim, you are a leader and you need to stand up and fight for yourself.

10. Stop Spending So Much Time On Your Phone!

How to be happy - Stop spending so much time on your phone

When you spend so much time on your phone and on social media,

You get to see a lot of what’s happening with other people but don’t have much time to do what needs to happen in your life.

You become focused on the life of other people and how much they are achieving and you spend time obsessing about them wondering when you will get there.

Just like Facebook, Instagram has become one of the worlds most famous visual social platforms,

There has been more than 40 billion photos shared on Instagram history.

With billions of people on this popular platform at all times,

it’s no wonder that it is one of the most popular ways to earn money nowadays,

Currently, there are more than 4.2 billion Instagram likes per day and more than 8 million profiles on Instagram are business profiles.

People you know such as friends and even family may even be on this popular platform,

It’s important to note that due to the amount of money to be made on Instagram, not everything that we see is real.

Whenever we go on the gram, we look at the lives of people through the photos that they post,

If they post photos of themselves in a popular place wearing fabulous clothes,

We assume that they are living their best lives, hence the photos.

We try to imitate them, to look more like them, to have people comment on our photos and tell us that we look good too,

Getting likes on Instagram for a picture where you look like you are living the best life has become more important than actually living the best lives.

11. Stop Comparing Yourself To People

Being happy is almost impossible when you are comparing your life with those of the people who appear to be living their best lives on social media,

It makes you feel ungrateful for the life that you have, even when in reality, you might be doing a lot better than the people posting these photos.

Beauty standards have been the most exaggerated on Instagram,

You look at that lady with the bold red lips, straight silky hair with the perfect body and start judging yourself for looking the way that you do,

Unaware of the fact that the picture of the lady that you have seen has undergone a very vigorous photo-shopping session to make it look like that.

Bottom line,

Try not to spend so much time on comparing yourself to people…

Social media is more of a business platform than an actual social platform,

Most people on social media are looking for ways to get more followers and become influences so that they can get paid.

12. Set Achievable Goals And Be Consistent With Them.

How to be happy - set achievable goals

The act of goal setting is very imperative to taking charge of your life and how successful you are in the long run,

As Tonny Robbins once said “setting goals is the first step into turning the invisible into the visible.

When we set goals, we tell ourselves what we want our future to look like and we work towards building that future

While setting goals is important we need to make sure that our goals are achievable and realistic,

For example, imagine setting a goal is save 3000 dollars in savings per month when your income is 3200 dollars a month.

That is hardly achievable,

You need to be realistic when it comes to setting goals and taking into account all the obstacles that you may face when achieving your goals.

To make goals easier to achieve,

It is important that we break them into milestones that we can achieve gradually,

Every milestone should consist of tasks that when achieved bring us closer and closer to the goal.

Factors that influence achieving goals that we set include:-

  1. Specificity:- How specific are your goals?

2. Goal Size:- Are your goals too big to be achieved?

3. Goal Influence:- Do you have people around you who want the same goals that you have?

4. Obstacles:– What obstacles might you face in the process and how can you get rid of them?

5. Time Frame:- What is the time frame you need to complete this goal?

By answering the questions above you can determine if your goal will be achievable or not if you have successfully gotten through that,

The next step is to write down your goals and then set these milestones.

13. Exercise Regularly

How to be happy - Exercise Regurlarly

Asides the fact that working on your body keeps you fit and healthy all day long,

It also helps to boost your courage and self confidence, you are more likely to be more socially active when you love the way that you look.

By taking charge of your physical appearance, you open doors to a lot of other great opportunities in your life,

You are more active and ready to interact with other people and even make new friends.

Daily or even weekly exercise and workout routines have an enormous effect on how you live your life,

To get started the first step would be to identify exactly what it is that you would like your body to look like and then set milestones to achieve this goal.

You can decide to workout daily or even weekly making sure that you are actually doing what it takes to achieve that figure that you want,

At first it may seem tedious to go all out at once,

So I would recommend starting out with 5 reps per exercise and then working your way up from there.

If you know nothing about fitness but would like to start you can always get a gym membership and sign up for personal training sessions or even join a group workout class.

14. Take Charge Of Your Income

How to be happy - Take charge of your income

Taking charge of your life will certainly be incomplete without taking charge of your income.

Instead of looking for ways to save part of the income that you are already receiving,

You might want to look at how to increase your income streams, and that’s where passive income comes in.

Passive income is income that you can earn without regular or repetitive contribution to it,

Any income that you can earn even while you are asleep is known as passive income.

By increasing passive income streams,

You worry less about saving enough of your monthly salary to achieve your dreams and focus more on improving these income streams to earn more money and make saving money a lot easier.

For other ideas on Passive income, click here.

15. Spend Time With Friends And Family

How to be happy - spend time with friends and family

No matter what you go through in life, there will always be people who have your back,

People that you can rely on to be there and help you get back on your feet.

Your journey to taking charge of your life would be incomplete without taking out time to spend with the people who matter the most to you,

Getting to know each and every one you love personally and spending time with them can change the way you look at life and help you know what your priorities are.

Spending time with family and friends makes you feel loved, understood and part of something bigger,

You create memories that last forever and you are able to reflect on the past and laugh about things.

“At the end of your life, you will never regret not having passed one more test, not winning one more verdict, or not closing one more deal. You will regret time not spent with a husband, a friend, a child, or a parent”

-Barbara Bush

16. Find Time To Have Fun

How to be happy - have fun


It is impossible to talk about how to be happy without talking about the little things and little moments that make life worth living.

Be it randomly dancing to an old Micheal Jackson song or baking chocolate cupcakes or even singing to lady Gaga’s “Shallow”

Especially when you know that if you take off the earpiece you probably sound terrible.

These little things are what keeps us happy and smiling, so no matter how awkward what makes you smile is,

Remember to do it and do it often and forget about what people say about you,

Because in life it only takes one person to make you happy and change your life and that person is you.

How To Be Happy Take-Aways

Life is full of ups and downs, experiences, and lessons, it very important that we concentrate on what’s important in our lives and keep being optimistic,

No matter the situation or obstacles that we face, but we can have a head start by applying these 13 steps I have covered.

Being happy doesn’t have to be something that you have to wait to accomplish,

It’s not something that can be achieved by just buying more clothes or new shoes.

It is a collection of all these things, little things we do like cheering up someone who is sad,

Or helping someone in need or even putting a smile on other people’s faces.

It is being understanding and kind to everyone especially yourself and looking forward to a better future,

That is what happiness is.