
How To Stop Being Shy At The Gym

Want to know how to stop being shy at the gym?…..This post is for you!

If you are anything like me, then you have probably been to the gym a couple of times and ran away because you felt like people were staring and all eyes were on you.

Learning how to overcome gym anxiety was really important to me…

Sometimes it was so bad that I couldn’t even get through 2 sets of reps before I gave up and ran off out of shyness.

I mean your situation probably isn’t as bad as mine…..I hope….but hey here are my top 9 ways that I have been able to overcome shyness while working out at the gym since then.

9 Ways To Stop Being Shy At The Gym

1. Select A Gym You Are Comfortable In

The first step in choosing getting over your shyness while working at the gym is to select a gym that you are very comfortable with, some people are comfortable in big gyms where there are usually a lot of people and everyone is busy so no one has the time to look at them.

They could just choose one quiet corner of the gym and work out there till they are done and leave.

Other people might be comfortable in a smaller gym where there is a maximum number of people allowed there and they feel comfortable knowing that it’s just that number of people allowed to be in the gym at a time.

So choose a gym that is very comfortable for you in terms of size, the maximum number of people allowed, and exclusivity.

2. Write Out Your Exercises Before Going

When you get to the gym, it’s so easy to get overwhelmed and forget all your workout routines especially if you are shy.

The best thing to do in this case is to take out a sheet of paper and write down the exercises you plan to do and their number of reps and then focus on them when you get to the gym.

Having an already mapped out schedule and timeline for your routines stops you from being distracted and helps you focus more on achieving the goals of why you came to the gym in the first place.

So next time, before you leave for the gym, write out your workout routine.

3. Avoid Busy Hours

There’s always that time of the gym that is usually the busiest..

For me, it’s usually in the morning between 5am and 9am and in the evenings from 7pm to 9pm, this is because people want to squeeze in a workout routine right before work or right after work and so these times are usually peak times in the gym.

If possible, you want to avoid going at those times, go at times when there is less crowd so you can feel comfortable working out because there are fewer people to look at you or make you feel shy.

4. Put On Your Headphones

Another way to overcome shyness at the gym just distract yourself by playing music on your headphones or listening to motivational talks while you workout…

This way you are simply concentrating on when you are listening to and not so much on what is going on around you, it can also be a great way to motivate yourself to workout effectively during your time at the gym.

5. Don’t Compare Your Body With Others

I think the biggest thing that you notice more at the gym is how other people look and comparing yourself to them, wondering when you will ever get to that level or if you ever will.

This makes you even more self conscious as you start to notice little things about your body that you didn’t even notice before and before you know it,

you are out of the gym because you feel like everyone is staring at your imperfections.

When you feel like this, it is always comforting to know that everyone who is there is there to work on something on their body and they aren’t really concentrating on your own imperfections because they are too busy with theirs.

So take a deep breath and work out!

6. Wear Comfortable Clothes

It is very common to want to look cool at the gym… you want to take some really great photos for your Instagram and post something like “having fun working out!” even when in reality you really aren’t

But cool outfits aren’t always comfortable and believe me, i have been to the gym enough times to know that comfort should be your top priority…

There’s really no need going to the gym if you are going to be uncomfortable and adjusting your clothes all the time you are there, so before you go, make sure you have chosen an outfit that you are really comfortable in.

7. Pay Attention To Your Workout Routine

When working out in the gym,

It’s very easy for your mind to wander off somewhere, thinking about random things and focusing on things that don’t really matter.

The effect of this is that, you aren’t really paying much attention to your exercise and so you have no idea if you are doing to exercise or workout correctly or not.

It is important to keep mind to muscle concentration in mind when working on any part of your body as this helps you to target the particular muscle of your choice as you work on it.

8. Go With A Friend or Workout Partner

Going to the gym with a friend is a great way to distract you from what other people are thinking or not thinking about you.

This way you can plan workout routines together, have someone to talk to and even exercise or workout together.

Find a close friend of yours who lives nearby and make a fitness schedule together,

One where you work out with each other on a regular basis at a time when you are both free.

9. Workout With A Personal Trainer

Having a personal trainer is a great idea!

It can be a great way to really distract you from thinking too much because you will be too busy trying to get your workout routine right and following instructions that you really won’t have time to consider what others are thinking about you.

Sign up for a personal trainer you are comfortable with, who knows they might even have some really great tips to help you get over being shy at the gym.

How To Stop Being Shy At The Gym | Conclusion

There it is…

My top 9 tips on how to stop being shy at the gym…

Tell me which ones you currently use in the comment section below, which ones work for you and which ones doesn’t .

Let me know if there are any tips you think should have made this list that are not included here.


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Thanks For Visiting My Own Little Corner Of The Internet!, Am Jennifer, A Self Proclaimed Cinephile And Foodie! I Love Helping People Discover Their Most Authentic Self, Grow Mentally And Emotionally While Having Fun On Their Journey

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