How To Turn Pain Into Motivation

Using Pain To Your Advantage

Are you going through pain?

Did something happen that makes you feel like you can’t breathe or makes you want to cry out loud without stopping, guess what?

It happens to the best of us,

In this post I will be sharing with you how to better manage pain and use it to your advantage.

Without further Ado, lets get right to it……

Disclaimer : I am not a psychologist or an expert in health or wellness,

Take this post as an advise you are getting from a friend who just wants to help you,

I hope it does just that for you, help.

Understanding Pain?

Understanding Pain

Things happen to us everyday,

Being human is such that you are susceptible to always feel pain,

Pain is the one thing that lets us know how we feel, it tells us how much we care or how much we are affected by something or someone.

It is the one emotion that can hurt us when we deny it and make us stronger if we choose to use it to our advantage.

No matter what we go through, dealing with pain is always part of the process of healing,

Healing doesn’t mean you immediately forget that you feel pain,

Healing is telling yourself that you know how much the pain you felt has affected you but that you are going to move on from that pain because you are stronger.

Sometimes, things happen to us that we cant change, understanding how we feel,

and letting it all in instead of letting it control us, is what makes us better.

Using Pain To Your Advantage

Pain is often associated with an “unwanted” or “bad” aura,

Which is quite understandable considering the fact that it is one emotion that most people tend to avoid the most because of its ability to bring people down on their feet.

But what if pain could be used for something other than that?,

What if instead of sitting down in one place and crying, we actually get up and do something about it.

To fully understand how to channel pain in order to turn it into an advantage,

You need to let it in, whatever it is that’s causing you pain, you need to take it all in and let it swallow you up, first.

You need to feel it, you need to understand how it makes you feel so that you can work harder to never have to feel like that again, pain makes you wiser,

It makes you more humble and understanding.

It is the one emotion that helps you understand people better,

Because if you have felt pain, then you can understand how someone else feels when going through the same thing you went through or close.

Pain makes you a better person.

By letting it all in and feeling it instead of avoiding it,

You learn the truth about yourself, you learn who you are and who you want to be and then you use this knowledge to work to become that person.

4 Steps To Growing Through Pain

1. Understand Pain

For the first step to grow through pain, you need to understand why you are feeling the way that you are feeling right now.

What ever the cause, you need to understand how it makes you feel, do you feel angry,

Sad, lonely, upset, do you feel like you need to cry, to shout,

Whatever it is you feel, you need to understand that this is as a result of the pain you are feeling.

2. Let It All In

The next step to growing through pain is to identify these feeling and let the all in.

Cry as much as you want, scream till you can no longer scream,

Let it all out and let it all go, take that one singular moment to feel all that you need to feel because if you don’t,

You will keep coming back to that place.

If you still have pent up anger or frustration, now is the time to let it all out and let it all go.

These anger management tips will help you deal with unresolved anger you might be experiencing.

3. Pick Yourself Up

They say, in life, it doesn’t matter what happens or what happened to you, what matters is what you are going to do about it.

So ask yourself that question, “this has happened, what am i going going to do about it?” are you going to remain where you are, crying everyday?,

Feeling sorry for yourself, walking around depressed? or are you going to push through this pain and move on with your life?

You need to understand that you are better than your pain, the fact that you feel pain is because you are a wonderful human and you should not let anybody tell you otherwise,

You are a good person and you have a good heart that’s why you get to feel things.

So pick yourself up, tell yourself that you are stronger and that you are better than all these, and that you can do whatever you put your mind to.

You need to make the decision to move on.

4. Move On Better & Stronger

When we go through things in life, we learn, everything that hurts us, teaches us,

It’s up to you what you take away from that lesson, its up to you what you learn.

If what you take away from that lesson is negative,

You will be left with a negative mindset and you will use this mindset to judge even positive things,

But guess what happens when you take away a positive mindset, you see everything from a positive point of view even the negative ones.

By choosing to take away positive things from a negative experience,

You are training your mind to be better, to judge less, to always see the good in different situations.

If you can pick yourself up after going through a negative experience and not hold a grudge you beat pain, you win.


There’s always going to be things happening to us everyday in our lives, positive and negative things alike.

Preparing to face each day, with a positive mind and an understanding heart is what makes you a winner,

And i know you are a winner because you are reading this post.

I want you to know that you are a strong person, and you will get through whatever it is that you are going through.

I hope you enjoyed this post,

Please leave a comment below telling me what you thought about it and share it to someone who you think needs to read it.

Until the next time lovelies!

Click here to read “5 Amazing Ways To Control Anger By Crying”