Never Create A Blog Until You Know These 8 Things!

Thinking to create a blog?

The world of blogging seems like all roses and lilies, everything seems so easy doesn’t it?

just a piece of cake right? just create a blog, get traffic and bam, you are in business right?


there are so many things about blogging that you have no idea about.

Every single day, thousands of new blogs are created and within two to three months,

more than half of them are abandoned.

Hi, welcome to Blogging Newbie, In this post,

I will be sharing with you the top 8 things that you didn’t know about blogging.

If you are ready, let’s get right to it…..

1. Blogging Is Time Consuming

 Create A Blog

The number one thing that you most definitely need to know if you are thinking of going into blogging is the amount of time it consumes.

Let’s be honest, it’s simply not an easy road, no matter the way that you choose to succeed in blogging,

every blogger out there will probably admit to this one thing, blogging is time consuming.

You need time, to think of what to write, to do some keyword research so that your blog posts can be found for people to read them,

you need to make sure your posts are SEO optimized before the initial process of posting it.

Let’s not forget about the graphics, you need pictures and good ones at that,

you don’t wanna use a picture that no one will look at, you need pictures that draw attention,

pictures that call people and then you need to come up with titles that are click-worthy.

Nobody is gonna want to read your posts if you have a title that screams boring! and even after that,

your content is a whole different piece of cake.

You want to write content that sells, that converts, content that pushes people to subscribe and keep coming back to your blog.

Asides the points i have just mentioned above,

there are a whole world of other points that you need to bear in mind for your blog to even come close to a success.

All these take time to master, to write to schedule and to post etc.

2. Blogging Takes A Whole Ton Of Research

Create A Blog

Nobody ever started out in blogging knowing everything,

knowing how to write a post, or how to get people to read it or even how to create a blog in the first place.

But over time, with dedication and research, you will get to where you are going,

you just need a disciplined and consistent plan.

You have got a whole ton of research to do for every stage of blogging that you are in,

whether it is the starting a blog stage, or the newbie blogger stage or the intermediate monetized blogger stage or even the expert blogger.

Every stage of blogging requires research,

so if you are thinking that you are just gonna start blogging and everything will just happen for you,

am afraid, you are in the wrong place.

You need to open your mind to be able to learn every single day,

Ask guidance from other bloggers who have been blogging a lot longer than you to help show you the way.

3. Getting Traffic & Growing Your Email List Isn’t Easy

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When the thought of starting a blog crosses your mind,

what doesn’t follow it is where you plan to get traffic for your blog.

Most newbie bloggers usually skip from the start a blog stage to the monetize a blog stage,

Forgetting that there are a whole lot of steps between creating a blog and monetizing it, steps that can not be skipped.

In order to be able to monetize a blog, you need to be able to have enough traffic on the blog,

and to have enough traffic on the blog, the simple truth is you have to be giving out a ton of value to people.

Getting traffic is by far one of the hardest stages of blogging,

You need to ask know who your target audience is, what age they are,

Where they are on the internet and most importantly, what problems are they facing?

Then solve their problem with your blog.

If your blog isn’t solving any problem or providing any real value to people,

chances are you will never get traffic, and if you never get traffic, you will never monetize.

On the other hand, when you provide real authentic informational value to people through your blog,

Or fulfill a need through your blog then traffic will start coming and people will start subscribing to your newsletter because, they have something to gain from you.

4. It Isn’t About You

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Except you are looking to create a hobby blog,

Where you aren’t really focused on the traffic that you get or the number of people subscribing to your list,

Then it is best to keep your blog, professional.

This is probably hard to hear but, nobody wants to hear the story of your life,

They aren’t going to type your name in the google search bar asking how your day went.

You need to understand that it’s about them, not you, yes it’s your blog,

You run it but people coming to it aren’t coming to know you, they are coming for value, curiosity about a promise made to them in your post title.

A promise of meeting a need that they have or satisfy a curiosity streak that they are on or even solve a problem.

You need to completely take yourself out of it totally and make it about them so for example,

Instead of having post titles like “8 things I wish I knew before starting a blog”,

It becomes, “8 things you should know before you start a blog”.

Unless you are a celebrity, or a superstar, the truth is people aren’t going to type in your name in the search bar,

Don’t take it personally, its just the simple truth.

5. Technical Know-How Is Important

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Many bloggers create a blog without having the slightest clue how to create a blog post,

Talk more of sending bulk emails to people every time you write a blog post in the name of growing your newsletters.

For your blog to survive in the blogging industry, you need to be prepared to grab yourself some pages off the technical books,

If you have that one friend or family member who is great with getting technical, then consider yourself, lucky.

In blogging, you need to know how to follow clear and precise information,

You will probably be updating your plugins, WordPress versions and website PHP versions by yourself.

You will need to be able to alter and add codes to the header or footer of your website manually or by the use of plugins,

Edit themes to make changes you wish to have, and even optimize your website to be faster on mobile and desktop.

Unless you plan on paying a web designer for every single change you need to make on your blog,

I suggest you start getting used to the idea of looking for solutions to your blog issues by yourself.

6. It’s Harder To Monetize A Blog Than You Think.

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We have all been there and heard other successful bloggers say “I made $50,000 this month blogging”,

You have probably even seen their proof of earnings to know that they really aren’t lying, but is it that easy?

Looks easy right? you hear “I had 250,000 sessions this month and that brought me $2000 dollars for the month of June” and you are over there thinking, man, I should start a blog!

Just get 250,000 sessions and bam! am in business, sadly, it doesn’t really work like that.

If you are going to create a blog ,

You need to understand that making money from your blog depends on a whole lot of different reasons,

You can have the same 250,000 sessions in a month and still make less than $2000, or you can make more.

Even when you do get these sessions,

A lot of factors are to be considered before your blog can be accepted for monetization,

Including but not limited to the policies of the monetization company you are applying for, user experience, website speed, ad space availability etc.

The thing is it depends on a lot of things, it depends on your blog niche, the number of ads on your blog, where those ads are placed, affiliate marketing, your email conversion, etc.

When a blogger tells you that they made $50,000 dollars a month on their blog,

You probably won’t believe the amount of work that went into generating that amount.

From creating a post, to creating an opt-in freebie, to selling a course using a well created sales funnel, to running ads on other social media sites, to optimizing posts for more traffic, its a whole bunch.

You need to be willing to learn all these if you want to create a blog and grow it successfully.

7. You Need To Be Willing To Invest In Your Blog

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There aren’t any successful bloggers who became successful by simply playing it safe,

As you must have heard, you spend money to make money.

If you are really serious about blogging and want to create a blog,

you must be willing to make important upgrades to your blog to make sure its moving in the right direction

From paying for a professional theme, to paying for a good email service etc,

You need to make investments in your blog that you will thank yourself for making later on.

Now we are not saying go crazy and pay for a subscription to every tool or service out there that you watch about in a YouTube video, just the ones that you really really need.

Most companies will allow you to test out their products before using it,

After the trial period if you feel that your blog will benefit from that product or service and you can afford it, don’t hold back.

As an entrepreneur, you must be willing to take risks, do research, and invest carefully.

8. Blog Growth Takes Time, Patience, Discipline, And Consistency.

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You won’t find anyone who just started a blog yesterday and is earning from it today, it’s just not possible, at least not in our experience.

The truth is that the whole blogging journey takes time, patience, self-discipline, and consistency.

There are a lot of people who took more than a year to get their blogs established and build a good industry authority,

It can be anytime from 6 months to 2 years after you create a blog before you might be able to make a dollar from it.

It’s gonna take time, you will need to keep working at it, nurturing it and keep learning every single day to be able to succeed with a blog.

You need to make a plan and stick to it, keep improving on this plan until you have what you want, You will most definitely make mistakes, but you will learn from them and move on, stronger and better.


We haven’t written all these things to discourage you from creating a blog or even starting one,

My main aim of writing this post is to help you be aware of what it really takes to blog.

As a blogger, you are your own content creator, marketer, web designer etc, this post is made to help you prepare you to fit into these shoes

Remember, if it was easy everyone would do it, one advise we will give to any new blogger out there is to keep an open mind, be willing to learn,

Don’t hesitate to ask for help from those who are more established than you and most of all, take it one step at a time.

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