How To Let Go Of A Painful Past That Is Destroying Your Future!

How To Let Go Of A Painful Past

Learning to let go of a painful past is never easy,

Bad things happens all the time, but holding onto them does more harm than good,

here are the best 8 ways to let go of a painful past and look towards a brighter and happier future.

1. Give Yourself Time To Let Go

One of the most important things we can ever learn as human beings is the ability to give ourself time.

Time to heal, to grieve, to feel and to eventually let go.

Just like a good number of people out there, you might feel the need to get over everything,

right now,

immediately and move on but that hardly ever works or turns out right.

Giving yourself time to process your emotions and sort out your feelings help to prevent you from having a breakdown in the future on the same issue.

When you keep circling back and back, to the same feelings or emotions,

it’s a simple sign that you haven’t dealt with those emotions properly and that is exactly what you need to do.

So take your time,

Take as much time as you need to process your feeling and when you are done,

get up, wipe your tears and move on.

2. Put Yourself Out There

It’s very difficult to get out of your comfort zone, especially after a bad experience…

Most of the time, you just want to lay in bed, sulking, sleeping, watching any new series you can find on Netflix and basically limiting human interaction as much as you can.

But is this really the best way?

A continuous repetition of this type of attitude can only lead to one thing – depression.

Whenever you find yourself trying to let go of the past, the one thing you can do to move on better and stronger is to put yourself out there.

I know what you are thinking “won’t i just get hurt all over again?”

The truth is maybe you will, or maybe you WON’T, maybe, just maybe,

there’s a 5% chance that you won’t, but you will never know if you stay locked up licking your wounds forever.

So get up, get out there and fight for that 5% chance you have, because if anyone deserves to be happy,

It’s You!

3. Find A New Hobby

“Idle hands make fretful minds”

When you have so much time on your hands, its so easy to get carried away.

Overthinking things, re-living past experiences, re-playing events in your head and wondering how it could have all gone differently,

if only you had done something differently.

Your mind runs wild, you go crazy analyzing things,

convincing yourself that there was more to everything,

blaming yourself for not knowing things and talking yourself into doing things you wouldn’t otherwise do.

Your mind is a powerful place, think of it as a calculator that raises everything you believe to the power of 2 for every day you dwell on it.

Now imagine if you could train your mind to pursue something positive and then imagine that positive thing magnified by two every 24 hours!

Find something powerful, something meaningful,

something you love and tell yourself, this is amazing!, am going to do this, i can do this!.

Now get to work!

4. Pamper Yourself

Most often in life, we get frustrated waiting for people to treat us right,

be nice to us, buy us things and be there for us and when they don’t,

its like the whole world is turned upside down,

you feel like they are the most terrible people for not making you feel the way you want to feel or the way you deserve to be treated.

Forgetting that…they might be feeling the same way too!

To properly let go of the past and look towards a brighter and more satisfying future, you need to learn to give yourself things that you want.

Don’t wait for someone else to do everything for you, if you feel like you need more love, then show it to yourself.

Get out there, buy yourself that amazing outfit that you look your best in,

treat yourself to a day in the spa, tell yourself that you are loved,

you are important and that you are beautiful.

Pamper yourself because when you do,

it wont matter that someone didn’t treat you like that because you know how you deserve to be treated and how they do or do not treat you,

it doesn’t affect your self worth.

5. Build A Support Network To Help You Let Go

The first instinct when you find yourself in pain and are trying all that you can to let go, is to isolate yourself.

This is one of the biggest mistakes you can make…

Self isolation is bad, hoping that you will eventually get over your feelings and move on is waiting for the sun to change its color – that’s never going to happen!

Instead, confide in your closest friends or relatives,

tell them how you really feel, talk through your emotions,

cry if you need to, tell them that you need their help in getting better.

Listen to their opinions, ask questions ,

chances are they have been through what you are currently going through at least once in their lives and can provide you with some really helpful tips.

In other words, find people who really care about you and fall back on their support.

6. Let Go By Getting Involved In Other People’s Lives

It’s very easy to get carried away with our own lives and our own problems and forget that there are so many people out there with situations worse than ours.

We think about that job or that relationship that’s frustrating us and think “things couldn’t be much worse”, but honestly, they could.

There are people going through worse situations at every moment in time,

some of them, are ashamed of their predicament and hide it,

smiling everyday when they see you so much that you couldn’t ever imagine that they had such a problem.

Some of them, have no one to talk to, and so have no option but to solve their problems on their own.

Whats my point here?

Everybody has their own problems and so instead of focusing more on your own problem and worrying day and night about it,

get involved in other peoples lives and try add something meaningful to it any way you can.

Seeing the smiles on other peoples faces and watching them get over their challenges in life can sometimes be all that you really need to let go of your own past.

7. Let Go And Pursue Your Dreams

To help you heal quickly and let go properly, you need to think about what you want most in your life and go after those things.

Studies show that achieving a dream you have can be one of the fastest ways to help you get back and on your feet and provide you with the hope that the future still holds a lot in store for you.

Get up and pursue your dreams!,

your future is what you make it,

you are the author of your life, so get out there and design the life you want for yourself.

Don’t back down, don’t take no for an answer, move forward and don’t look back.

8. Let Go Of Things You Cannot Control

It’s okay to worry over things in life….

But worrying over things you can’t change or have absolutely no control over is more likely to make you more frustrated than you would otherwise be.

Accept that you can’t change it, and also accept that the fact that you can’t change it is not your fault.

Its simply out of your control.

Focus more on what you can control, and work on those things.

5 Quotes About Letting Go To Help You!

Quote 1

Holding on is believing that there’s only a past, letting go is knowing that there’s a future and a bright one at that!

Daphne Rose Kingma
How To Let Go From A Painful Past

Quote 2

Let go of the past, but keep the lessons it taught you

How To Let Go From A Painful Past

Quote 3

Holding unto the past is like carrying a heavy bag of trash along with you everywhere you go, it messes up everything it touches, doesn’t add any value to you and still doesn’t allow you pick up other better and important things you need.

How To Let Go From A Painful Past

Quote 4

Letting go doesn’t mean that you stop caring, it means that you stop forcing others to do so.

mandy hale
How To Let Go From A Painful Past

Quote 5

Pain will leave you, when you let go!

jeremy aldana


Life isn’t something that can be planned or something that goes exactly the way you planned it.

Things will sometimes happen that will be out of your control and will probably even hurt you.

How you react and the decisions you make after things happen to you is what makes you a fighter!

Learning how to let go, move on and heal are very important life skills you need to learn.

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I hope you liked this post, leave a comment below telling me if any of the techniques i mentioned worked for you and which techniques i didn’t mention you use, waiting you hear from you!