Self Acceptance Tips That’ll Make You Never Doubt Yourself Again!

Self Acceptance is not giving up or accepting that you can’t change things about yourself and that you just have to accept that you are no more than what you are at the moment and that is simply not true.

The journey of self acceptance is so much more, it is about self love and self care but it doesn’t just stop at that.

Self Acceptance

Hi there!, am Jae and thank you for visiting my blog, if this is your first time here you are welcome to this awesome little thing i have going on, and i hope you stick around to find out more!

You see…

We live in a tough world, a world where people can not only get judged based on the littlest thing in the glimpse of an eye,

But also a world where people also judge themselves based on what or where they think they should be,

What they think they should look like and what positions they think they should hold in their lives.

What Is Self Acceptance?

Self-Acceptance is simply accepting the reality of yourself and your situation in all areas of your life at every moment in time, but working on becoming better in the future.

It is loving yourself despite all your struggles and flaws, it is laughing over a mistake,

It is an ability to not blame yourself or think negatively about yourself due to situations you are in or experiences you may find yourself in.

Self-Acceptance is NOT giving up, or accepting that you cannot do something because that would be a lie,

You can do what ever you put your mind to do and the sky is your limit!

Self-Acceptance involves self love, self care , self motivation and most of all, self improvement.

How Do You Develop Self Acceptance?

  1. Accept The Truth And Reality Of Yourself and Your Situation

2. Knowing That Self Acceptance Is Not Giving Up

3. Motivating Yourself To Keep Pushing Through

4. Work Towards Becoming The Individual You Dream To Be.

5. Knowing Your Flaws And Reducing Opportunities For Making Mistakes.

6. Forget About How Other People Perceive You

7. Create Habits That You Are Proud Of

8. Loving Yourself Despite

1. Accept The Truth And Reality Of Yourself and Your Situation

Self Acceptance | Accepting The Truth

Every step to self acceptance begins with accepting reality…

Telling yourself the truth can sometimes be the hardest thing, because,

When you lie to yourself,

You not only limit your ability to learn but you also ensure that you are not able to move forward from where you are.

Take a look at your life and find out your flaws and your strengths and most importantly what is possible to be achieved with what you currently have right now and accept it.

Knowing that if you work on your flaws and learn how to master and use your strengths, that you can become who ever you wish to be.

Accept that you are not perfect,

Accept all your emotions no matter how crazy they may seem and stop comparing yourself with others and attaching your value to what you don’t have that others do.

Who you dream to be….

But it all starts with that first step…..Accepting….

2. Knowing That Self Acceptance Is Not Giving Up

It is easier to start practicing self-acceptance after giving something a try and two and when it doesn’t work out, say “oh am not built for this, i need to accept it”

No no no no…

That is giving up, and it is very different from self-acceptance.

Self-acceptance doesn’t mean that you settle,

It means that you know where you are at right now and accept that and then work on improving yourself to get to where you need to be.

3. Motivating Yourself To Keep Pushing Through

To fully accept yourself, you need to add something to your routine…yes, a whole boost of self motivation

Self motivation is telling yourself that you can get to that level you want to be..

If you dream of becoming someone who is very fit,

Then it doesn’t matter where you are right now, tell yourself that you can get there….

Treat yourself as though you are already fit and sooner or later, you will find out, that you are actualizing your dream.

The ability to motivate yourself is a huge skill, learn to appreciate all your little efforts and celebrate your little wins.

4. Work Towards Becoming The Individual You Dream To Be.

After accepting yourself,

You can now see clearly to focus on what you want from life and most importantly,

What skills you need to build or improve on to achieve your goals.

Know that your value as a human being has nothing to do with your actions,

Your situations or your class, you are important and you are loved, and any mistake you make today, you can learn and move on from them.

Accepting Your Flaws

When you know all these, you aren’t scared to try new things or even make mistakes, because you know now that its life and its all just part of the process.

Make plans and set milestones that bring you closer and closer to achieving your dreams every single day and clapping for yourself for achieving every single one.

Stick to your plans and be consistent with them, don’t forget the reason why you have made them, you will thank yourself later.

5. Knowing Your Flaws And Reducing Opportunities For Making Mistakes.

Most often, the reasons people have trouble accepting themselves is because they have a cycle of habits that they don’t like but cant bring themselves to stop it either.

It is important to identify what these habits or flaws are and know the pattern in which they occur and then work on eliminating the opportunity that lead to them.

For example, for someone whose bad habit is ordering a lot of takeout when they are hungry,

You can eliminate the opportunity for this habit to happen by making sure food is always available for yourself and even going as far as deleting fast food apps on your phone.

These simple things go a long way in influencing your habits which in turn boosts your self esteem.

6. Forget About How Other People Perceive You


The reason you find it hard accepting yourself is because you pay too much attention to how other people perceive you and are always grabbing the slightest opportunity to change their mind and make them think better of you…

But that is a tedious job, given that everybody has their own opinion of you and all of them are different,

Why do you need to make everyone think better of you?

Know that their opinions do not matter, it doesn’t increase or decrease your value as a person, what matters is what you think of yourself.

7. Create Habits That You Are Proud Of

Your habits are very important things in your life, they can make or break your future, which is why it is very important to build good habits.

Think about habits that that person you admire has and the role that habit has played in building up the person to who they are today.

You can incorporate those habits into your daily routine too, to achieve the goals your mentor is achieving.

Loving Yourself Despite

Creating good habits can help boost your self esteem and help you develop a good sense of self , this way you think about yourself positively and see every setback in a positive light instead of negatively.

Negative thinking can affect your sense of self worth and undermine all your hard work and also reduce your self esteem.

8. Self Acceptance Is Loving Yourself Despite…

While all the points i have made above are important,

It is also important to bear in mind that you are still human and that you will make mistakes, you will have shortcomings, you will sometimes slack off and sometimes even give up.

Loving yourself despite all your flaws, situations, decisions and conditions is what self acceptance is all about.


Everyone is on their own individual journey and so their fight might differ from yours,


You can find like minded people just like you to share your self-acceptance journey with because you won’t be as hard to yourself when you know that you aren’t the only one struggling.

You take it less seriously and give yourself a little room for mistakes.

It is never too late to create a new beginning for yourself and start new habits to live the life you really deserve.