Giving Up Quotes That Will Stop You From Ever Quitting Again!

In this post, I will be covering the top 20 most powerful giving up quotes you need to know before you quit.

Quitting is never a good thing to do,

especially because you never know how close you are to winning when you do,

these giving up quotes will hopefully help you find your way back and try just one more time before you decide to quit.

If you are ready, lets get right to it…

Lady Showing Thumbs Up To Keep Going

Top 20 Giving Up Quotes


It’s always too soon to quit.

– Norman Vincent Peale

It doesn’t matter how many times you have tried it, keep trying,

there is never a good time to quit, keep going, until quitting is no longer a choice until you have invested so much,

you can no longer quit, keep going until you can almost see that you have succeeded.


Quitting is the easiest thing to do.”

– Robert Kiyosaki

There are so many things that are difficult to do in life,

quitting isn’t one of them, in fact,

it’s the easiest thing that you can ever do,

so when quitting comes to your mind, just remember,

that you are taking the easy way out.


Effort only fully releases its reward after a person refuses to quit.”

– Napoleon Hill

Successful people are the ones who stay longer,

ask more questions, are always trying, and are too stubborn to give up,

you cannot reap the good fruits of your hard work in seconds minutes,

or hours after, it may take months, years even, and you will only reap it, as long as you keep fighting for it,

one day failure will give up and you win.


Most people give up just when they’re about to achieve success. They quit on the one-yard line. They give up at the last minute of the game, one foot from a winning touchdown.”

– Ross Perot

The most painful thing about giving up is that you will never know how close you were to winning,

every time you want to quit, stop and ask yourself,

what if I am already very close to achieving what I want and I don’t even know it,

think about it.


A man is not finished when he is defeated. He is finished when he quits.

– Richard M. Nixon

Losing a battle doesn’t make you a loser, quitting makes you a loser,

when you quit, you are telling yourself that you are not good enough,

that you don’t deserve the success that you are looking for and that you never will,

when you fall, pick yourself up, get up on your feet and try again.

Tell yourself whatever excuse it takes to get you back on your feet, tell yourself “okay,

I didn’t see that extra step, that’s why I fell” or “I wasn’t prepared”, after that, get up and fight for what you want.


Obstacles don’t have to stop you. If you run into a wall, don’t turn around and give up. Figure out how to climb it, go through it, or work around it.”

– Michael Jordan

The reason most people give up is that they feel that they don’t have another choice,

they feel that they have reached the end of the road and that there isn’t anything else that they can do.

People who succeed find a way to break down that wall blocking their way, if they can’t break it down,

they learn to climb over it, one way or the other, they will get through, and the options should not be if you will break down the wall or climb it.

It should be how do you break down that wall or who will teach you how to climb it.


You’re never a loser until you quit trying.”

– Mike Ditka

Never accept failure, keep going forward, no matter how slow, keep moving, keep learning, keep improving, and most of all, keep trying.


“At the end, someone or something always gives up. It is either you give up and quit or the obstacle or failure gives up and makes way for your success to come through.”

― Idowu Koyenikan

Struggling to achieve something is like having a tug of war with failure,

either you quit and walk away and failure wins and officially names you a loser or you keep at it and never quit,

one way or the other, failure will get tired and you will win, that’s why not everyone is successful,

some people give up and let failure win.


“Age wrinkles the body; quitting wrinkles the soul.”

― Douglas MacArthur

The same way winning boosts your self-confidence and makes you feel more alive and capable,

quitting does the opposite, it gradually kills your motivation and self-confidence and leaves you depressed,

wondering if you can ever do anything right, every time you quit you give failure a percentage of control over your life.


“It always seems impossible until it’s done.”

―Nelson Mandela

The greatest geniuses in the world were once viewed as crazy or mad because they didn’t think like everyone else, they always thought outside the box, always asked questions, and are always curious.

You will definitely pass this road on your way to success, when you get there, know that you are closer to achieving your dream.


“You just can’t beat the person who won’t give up.”

Babe Ruth

Most times, the people who succeed are not the ones who are smarter, brighter, or even better, it’s usually the people who understand that there are only two results, learn or win, failure or quitting doesn’t exist in their dictionary.

They never take no for an answer, they will keep working, keep asking, keep trying, when they fall down, they will get back up, when they fail, they will learn and start over again and again and again, until they win.


“It does not matter how slowly you go as long as you do not stop.”


Don’t attach success and speed, the two things hardly go together, it is different for everyone, remove your focus from how fast other people are achieving their dreams, or else you will be too busy envying them, you won’t know when you have progressed.

All your little successes here and there will look small compared to theirs, we all have different clocks, yours is still ticking, so you have got time, keep moving, don’t stop, and don’t compare.


“Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time

– Thomas Edison

“One more time” should be your new motto, you won’t get anywhere if you just say “no, it didn’t work” and give up, show up, keep trying, keep pushing, only those who go far, know how far they can go.

When you are about to quit, ask yourself, is this how far I can go? Is this the best I can do?

Whenever you feel like quitting, the final step of the quitting process should be to try just one more time.


“Failure is only the opportunity to begin again, this time more intelligently.”

– Henry Ford

Failure is often seen as a negative element in success, whereas it probably is the most important element, show me someone who has become a great success that didn’t fail at least once.

Accept that failure is necessary, failure is what builds character, it is the most humbling teacher, and it is the only way you can learn.

A person who has never failed is a person who has never tried something new, accept failure as part of a learning process, and use it to get to where you need to be.


That’s what is incredible about human beings, is the choice to keep going.

– Jack Antonoff

Sometimes, the only thing stopping you from living that life you want, getting to where you want, or even living a life of happiness and accomplishment is a simple choice.

Every day you make a choice, to show up for yourself, to keep fighting for you, to move forward, to progress, to never quit.



The only thing you should ever quit is giving up!

– Steve Pfeister

If you do decide to quit something, if you must quit something – then quit giving up, have the audacity to show up, dare to dream, dare to be brave, dare to stand out, dare to win.

Quit giving up, you can do so much more!


“Just because you fail once doesn’t mean you’re gonna fail at everything.”

― Marilyn Monroe

Failure is not a constant, it happened one time doesn’t mean it will keep happening.

Am not going to sit here and tell you that you will never fail again because the truth is you probably will, you will keep falling for as long as there is something that you need to learn that you haven’t learned yet.

But after that, the only person who will be able to stop you is you, put your mind to it, keep your eyes on the price, and WIN.


I refuse to quit because I haven’t tried all possible ways yet.”–

– Unknown

There is not only the north, south, east and west, but there’s also the north-west, south-west, south-east and even the north-east and even after that, there’s the north-north-west, south-south-west, south-south-east, north-east-east etc.

What’s my point?

There are always so many possible ways, so many combinations of solutions that can lead you to success, don’t quit until you have covered all these roads.


It is not wanting to win that makes you a winner; it is refusing to fail.

– Unknown

It’s very easy to want to succeed, in fact, it’s very easy to dream about succeeding, wonder about all the things you will do once you succeed, and even make a roadmap leading you to success but it’s a different thing entirely too actually succeed.

Success isn’t always winning a medal or getting accolades, sometimes the most important way of succeeding is simply refusing to give up.


“When the world says, “Give up,” Hope whispers, “Try it one more time.”


When fighting for your dreams, you will always encounter people who will tell you that your dreams aren’t going to work out and that you should probably cut your losses and just give up.

This is normal, especially if the task you are undertaking is a tough one, my advice to you is to keep fighting for what you believe in, sooner or later, others will believe it too.

These giving up quotes will help you pause and think things through before you quit.


Sometimes when people decide to quit something, all they need is some fresh air and some good giving up quotes, go out, take a walk.

Take as much time away as you want but never quit, take things slowly, do your best, always remember to keep your eyes on the price and whenever you want to quit, remind yourself why you started.

I hope this giving up quotes help you get through whatever it is you are going through right now.

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