Reinvent Yourself This Year And Become “That” Girl Fast!

How To Reinvent Yourself This New Year

You want to reinvent yourself this new year, but you don’t know how to….if you want to find out how to reinvent yourself this year, keep reading!

It’s that time of the year again..

Where everyone becomes very goal oriented and achievement conscious.

Setting goals and planning how we would like our year to go.

Things we would like to do and maybe a few habits here and there that we would like to drop.

This is my favourite part of the entire year…

Even though you really don’t need a whole year to end before you decide to reinvent yourself…

Reinvent Yourself This New Year

There’s just something thrilling about deciding to make new plans right when a year is ending and starting the new year on a new leaf.

It’s almost therapeutic.

That’s why i have put together a very easy list of 6 simple things that you can do to reinvent yourself this year and become a whole new person.

6 Ways To Reinvent Yourself This Year

Most of the times looking to reinvent yourself,

You are doing it because you want to look like certain people or even be better.

The best part about starting over is that you can always be yourself.

This year, instead of looking to improve yourself to impress someone, or match up to someone’s standards,

It’s best to focus on you and what you want to achieve in your life and then work on those things.

Here are some simple tips to help you….

Reinvent Yourself Step 1 – Switch Up Your Look

Reinvent Yourself This New Year | Switch up your look

Ahhh……my favorite part of every glow up session.

The part where you get to pick and choose how you would like to look,

Picking out different outfit styles and choosing what hairstyle or hairstyles makes you feel more comfortable and more confident in yourself.

Feel free to go crazy with your outfit ideas!

You want to go for outfits that make you feel powerful and confident….

Outfits that scream “i love this person i am becoming”

Most importantly, choose outfits based on your self image and how you want people to view you.

If you want to be considered smart, then dress smartly, If you want to be considered stylish or classy then dress stylish.

Make some personal grooming and hygiene changes,

Workout more, loose that stomach fat, eat the right foods, get your body looking the way you want…

Sooner or later you will start feeling better.

Reinvent Yourself Step 2 – Drop That Bad Habit Everyone Complains About

Change bad habits

We all have that one, two or more habits that people around us complain about….

It can be anything from not calling or reaching out to family or people in general,

being selfish, not eating enough, not exercising enough or maybe even not cleaning.

This is the time to change those habits

Know that you aren’t changing these habits for people, you are doing it for yourself…

Try to understand what impact changing these habits will have in your life and make the necessary changes.

Plan and schedule your time to make sure you don’t repeat these habits anymore.

You can even keep a tracker of your achievements,

Reward yourself with little treats here and there to encourage you to keep going!

Trust me you will fell a lot better

Know that changing habits take time,

So don’t get mad at yourself if you skip out on a day or two…

Reinvent Yourself Step 3 – Learn A New Skill

Reinvent Yourself This New Year | Learn a new skill

This year, take out time to learn a new skill or even improve an already existing one,

It can be anything from learning a new language, becoming a team player, learning to manage time and improving your goal setting skills, and even learning to communicate better.

This is the time to improve yourself….

Choose something, anything and work on it….

A little practice everyday amounts to a lot and at the end of the year,

You would be surprised at how far you have come and how much you have learned….

Reinvent Yourself Step 5 – Create A New Side Hustle

Start a new side hustle

The best part about a new year is having a new beginning….

This time, things can be much better than they were as long as you put your mind to it…

It is a great time to get your finances straight,

Stop bad spending habits and even start practicing some smart money management strategies to make sure you are making the most of your income.

You can even decide to start your own side business and nurture it till it becomes something big

It is always very important to have multiple streams of income

This can help you along the line or when you have any emergencies along the way.

To create a side hustle,

Simply think of something you can do perfectly and then personalize and offer it as a service.

It can be anything from little services such as mowing lawns, teaching yoga, starting a blog or even creating youtube videos!

Pick something you love and work on it and sooner or later, you will thank yourself.

Final Step 6 – Work On Your Mental Health

Reinvent Yourself This New Year | Take care of your mental health

After a whole year has passed, it’s very common for your mindset and mental health to need a reboot…

What better time to do that than at the beginning of a new year,

With an old year coming to an end,

Take a look at how it went, the great times, the bad times, the sad times and appreciate how far you have come.

Acknowledge mistakes that you have made and give yourself a pat on the back for the things you did right..

Note that,

It’s not the time to beat yourself up or blame yourself if things didn’t go the way you wanted…

Simply let it go…

Focus on the new year and your new beginning,

Take care of your mental health, practice self love and care by letting go of negativity, reading and reciting self-love quotes and mantras and simply just taking care of you..

Because you are the most important…


When looking to reinvent yourself,

It’s very easy to get worked up and get carried away wanting to change every thing in your life all at once…

What happens with this is that every you eventually notice you have quit all your new year resolutions 2 weeks into the new year..

To avoid this,

It’s a lot easier to set simple, short and specific goals that are attainable and that you won’t give up on.

These 6 simple goals should help you reinvent yourself and become a better person this year.