150 Goals For Life + How To Set & Achieve Every Single One Fast!


Creating goals for life is very important, not just because it gives you a sense of direction and fulfillment,

But also because it keeps you busy doing things important things that really matter to you.

Here are the best tips on how to create and achieve goals for life.

But first….

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What Are Goals For Life?

Goals for life are simply things in your life that you wish to accomplish.

It can be anything from buying a new car, building your dream home, starting a new business or even getting your dream job.

Goals for for life | woman achieving her vacation goals

Writing down these wishes and creating steps to achieve them is what is known as creating goals

It’s like a roadmap of steps you need to take to get you to where you need to be in your life.

Why Are Goals For Life Important?

Setting Goals for life are important because you can see your progress on each goal you have set for yourself and find out what’s working and what isn’t and which ones you need to focus more on.

Goals for life are important because they:

  • Inspire you to take action to keep moving forward.
  • Keep you busy.
  • Give you something to look forward to
  • They help you practice discipline
  • Achieve your dreams
  • Build up a positive mentally and approach to things.
  • Improve your problem solving skills.

How To Set Goals For Life

Woman just achieved a goal

Setting goals for life can be pretty easy,

The hard part is keeping up with them and working hard to make sure to accomplish each one.

An easy way to achievable goals for life is to go through the following process:

Think carefully about what your ideal life looks like,

Compare it to your life right now and write down what’s missing….these are the things you need to work on.

Write each goal down in their order of importance, you are more likely to remember them if you write them down.

In addition, you can talk to your family and friends and tell them about your goals and ask them if there’s anything They can do to help you accomplish it faster.

Write down the actions you need to take to accomplish each goal,

For example, your bigger goals can be broken into smaller milestones so that they are easier to accomplish.

How To Create SMART Goals For Life

Set goals

The best way to set goals for life that are realistic and achievable is to follow the SMART method of setting goals.

The SMART method is simply a method of goal setting that judges each goal according to 5 qualities to make sure that they can be accomplished.

SMART stands for :

S – Specific : Specify which goal you would like to accomplish very clearly.

M – Measurable : Is the success of this goal measurable, if yes specify how it can be measured and when.

A – Achievable : What are the things you need to be able to accomplish this goal and do you have them? or if not, how can you get them?, What are the obstacles you have to overcome in pursuit of this goal?

R – Relevant : What is the reason why you need to accomplish this goal and why is it really important to you?

T – Time Bound : How long will it take to accomplish it goal, set a deadline.

By answering these questions for each and every goal you set, you make it easier to accomplish each goal.

The two best apps that properly use the SMART Goal setting method for goal planning are “Life Goals” and Brian Tracy’s Goal Setting Tracker Planner.

You can download them now from Google play store.

150 Goals For Life Examples

  1. Go glacier climbing.
  2. Become an expert at rafting.
  3. Watch your favorite football team in their stadium.
  4. Compete in the Olympics.
  5. Grow waist length hair.
  6. Get really good at golfing.
  7. Create a personal collection of your favorite objects.
  8. Run one mile in 60 minutes.
  9. Declutter your living space and reorganize your home.
  10. Host a podcast.
  11. Read four books every month.
  12. Create a financial emergency fund
  13. Buy a new house.
  14. Eat a healthy diet for one month.
  15. Attend a concert of your favorite musician live.
  16. Honor a family tradition.
  17. Visit a country you love.
  18. Start earning from an online business.
  19. Attend family events in person.
  20. Get to meet a celebrity you love. 
  21. Change your mindset.
  22. Try out a new look you love.
  23. Spend New Year with family and friends.
  24. Get a pet.
  25. Give up too much sugar intake.
  26. Watch a movie series to the end.
  27. Witness a volcano erupt from a safe place.
  28. Attend a Mardi Gras.
  29. Maintain a good credit score. 
  30. Become a Karate black belt holder.
  31. Achieve pearly white teeth. 
  32. Say yes to 50 new things.
  33. Learn the art of meditation.
  34. Learn 60 new words.
  35. Become acquainted with a new sport.
  36. Create a home garden.
  37. Go hiking.
  38. Write a song.
  39. Improve your singing skills.
  40. Create your own portfolio.
  41. Invest in funds and stocks.
  42. Donate money to people in need.
  43. Take a road trip.
  44. Pay off all your debts.
  45. Learn how to code in a new language.
  46. Become really good at drawing.
  47. Reduce the time you spend on Netflix. 
  48. Get a massage.
  49. Travel to a country you love alone.
  50. Plan a special event for a loved one.
  51. Learn how to design clothes.
  52. Do something nice for someone.
  53. Overcome an obstacle.
  54. Become an authority in your field.
  55. Get promoted at your current job.
  56. Become a millionaire.
  57. Take a tour around the world.
  58. Visit your dream country.
  59. Create multiple sources of income.
  60. Write and publish a book.
  61. Ride a motorcycle for the first time. 
  62. Volunteer for something important.
  63. Enter a running competition.
  64. Get your dream body.
  65. Save a certain amount of money. 
  66. Revamp your wardrobe.
  67. Buy and drive your dream car.
  68. Visit a historical site.
  69. Create a retirement plan and stick to it.
  70. Get a college degree.
  71. Learn & speak a new language fluently.
  72. Give up a bad habit.
  73. Oversee a new project.
  74. Start a new relationship.
  75. Go fishing and get a huge catch.
  76. Learn to cook a new dish perfectly.
  77. Learn how to play a musical instrument.
  78. Become a chess prodigy.
  79. Get a job in a foreign country.
  80. Drink 8 cups of water everyday.
  81. Stop eating junk food.
  82. Learn to paint.
  83. Master the art of pottery.
  84. Learn to dance.
  85. Write a new song.
  86. Loose weight.
  87. Quit your job.
  88. Improve your personal hygiene.
  89. Come clean about a mistake you made.
  90. Become a certified fitness instructor.
  91. Keep in touch with people you love regularly.
  92. Stop impulsive spending.
  93. Start journaling.
  94. Make new friends.
  95. Own your first property.
  96. Renovate your house.
  97. Go paragliding.
  98. Spend a week without your phone.
  99. Go on a hot air balloon ride.
  100. See a movie you heard so much about.
  101. Ride a jetski.
  102. Overcome a fear of heights.
  103. Take personal hygiene more seriously.
  104. Read at least 10 pages of a book everyday.
  105. Learn 10 new things about someone.
  106. Become more disciplined.
  107. Become a mother / father.
  108. Get married to someone you love.
  109. Become an entrepreneur.
  110. Send your children to a good school.
  111. Create professional relationships with people in your field.
  112. Have a fulltime cook.
  113. Spend time with your grandparents.
  114. Become independent.
  115. Own a successful farm.
  116. Make a parents wish come true.
  117. Own a library.
  118. Live in the suburbs.
  119. Earn a six figure income.
  120. Own a restaurant.
  121. Become an actor/actress.
  122. Learn how to scuba dive.
  123. Become a social media influencer.
  124. Visit Europe.
  125. Become a citizen in a foreign country.
  126. Give away some of your things to charity.
  127. Invest in a small company.
  128. Live close to a lake.
  129. Build a treehouse.
  130. Go on a family vacation.
  131. Visit Dubai.
  132. Create your own salon.
  133. Become a movie director.
  134. Become a successful musician.
  135. Design the next best app.
  136. Produce a movie or song.
  137. Become a best selling author.
  138. Go to art school.
  139. Become a chef.
  140. Live on your own.
  141. Get the perfect skin.
  142. Visit your home country.
  143. Start a successful blog.
  144. Create a designer beg or cloth.
  145. Own your own clothing line.
  146. Create passive income for yourself.
  147. Be more spiritual.
  148. Design your own brand.
  149. Create a successful product.
  150. Become a web developer.
  151. Own a horse ranch.
  152. Create your own ecommerce store.


Setting proper goals for life and creating plans to help accomplish each goal gives this feeling of accomplishment and purpose.

Above all, knowing how far you have come by measuring your goals inspire you to do more and not quit easily.

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