New Years Resolution ldeas You Won’t Quit Easily In The New Year!

New Years Resolution

Need New years resolution ideas?

It’s almost that time of the year again, the time for new years resolutions!

The time of the year when we look back at our lives and think about the choices we have made so far and where those choices have led us to

Decide on the things we could have changed about ourselves and our habits and finally come to a conclusion to do better and be better.


A new year is a new chance, a new opportunity, a new choice to be better.

So why not take it?

If you are struggling with things to improve about yourself in this New Year, don’t fret…

I have put together new years resolution ideas for you!

So let’s get to work!

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50+ New Years Resolution Ideas and How To Achieve Them!

1. Make A New Years Resolution To Get In Shape

It’s the best time to get in shape, start a new fitness routine and build your dream body.

According to a research,

it is the new years resolution of most people to become more fit, loose weight and exercise more,

You need to make sure that you are setting realistic and attainable fitness goals and sticking to your fitness plan and routines to help you achieve your goals.

2. Eat Healthier

Eat healthy

When you have spent a whole year eating junk and unhealthy food, it might be time to change that,

Eating healthier food not only improves your health, it also helps you achieve your fitness goals and improving your mood.

Getting you ready to take on life’s challenges.

You can register for healthy meal plans, or watch videos that teach you to cook healthier meals.

3. Stop Procrastinating

Many people come across this at least once in their lifetime, it can be one of the hardest things to overcome,

There are so many ways to overcome procrastination but the most helpful one would be to make sure that you use a to do list daily

to help you outline the things you need to do and cross them off once they are accomplished.

4. Make A New Years Resolution To Concentrate More on Things You Love

In life, it’s easy to get too busy focusing on your job, or building your career or giving your all into one thing or two

That sometimes you look back and find out that you haven’t paid attention to the things you really care about or love.

Creating a new years resolution where you focus more attention on the things you love can be a really great idea

It is important to set reminders that help you pay more attention to the things you love.

5. Make New Friends

make new friends

There is never a bad time to make new friends, friends are so helpful and you simply need them in your life.

Sometimes, having good friends can be the difference between living a good life and being completely lost and alone.

You can never have so many friends, so this new year, get up and get out there,

meet new people and create new relationships

6. Step Out Of Your Comfort Zone

So many people live in their own bubble, afraid to try new things or experience new things,

Most of the times, this decision can be out of fear or past experiences, nevertheless, it’s time to try something new…

Something you have never done before, something that scares you and you never know, you just might like it.

For this new years resolution, promise to put yourself out there, to laugh more,

try more and simply be more because you deserve it!

Here’s how to get out of your comfort zone and live more.

7. Build Self Confidence

Self-confidence is important, and it stems from deep within you,

A feeling that you are enough and you are beautiful and are better than you give yourself credit for and that you can do anything you put your mind to.

Try to build up your self-confidence this new year by being more outspoken and not afraid to share your opinions,

who knows you might be a lot better at it than you think.

8. Make More Money

Sometimes, saving more just isn’t enough,

You need to find a way to improve and increase your income streams and make more money.

There are so many income ideas that you can build to give you that extra added income,

or you can even decide to focus on getting ahead at your current job, getting promoted and in turn getting paid more.

Make a new years resolution right now to make more money and stick to your plan to make it a success!

9. Be More Understanding

It’s easier to always see things from your own point of view,

forgetting that other people also have their own views,

This new year, it’s time to take a step back, talk less and listen more,

Pay more attention to how people feel and most importantly put yourself in their shoes to help understand why they make certain decisions or act the way they do.

This way, you judge less and help more.

Here are some tips to help you be more understanding.

10. Manage Stress Better

Stress is something that sometimes, you just can’t shake of, it needs an outlet, and otherwise,

it builds up and busts out in unexpected and unnecessary occasions.

Creating a new years resolution to help you manage stress can be the best decision ever!

It can be anything from creating a meditation routine, an exercise plan or even an evening out,

to steal you out of that stressful scenario and help you organize and share thoughts.

11.  Make A New Years Resolution To Live a Happier Life

We all want happiness, it’s the reason why we make certain decisions and choose new experiences.

This year, focus more on you and your happiness, make decisions that your future self will thank you for,

spend time with people you love.

Laugh, joke and be yourself

Here are 13 things you can do to live a happier life.

12. Sleep Properly

Sleep properly

Getting enough sleep daily is very important,

The average adult should sleep at least 8 hours daily to wake up fully energized and ready to face a new day’s challenges or pursue.

Make it a resolution this year to sleep properly to make sure you are less tired and more relaxed.

13. Spend Less Time on Netflix

The world of movies can be very exciting!

Lots of new movies, documentaries and videos to watch, only thing is – time passes by in the blink of an eye.

Before you know it, you are in episode 20 of that new series you just started watching yesterday and time has gone by,

You realize that you haven’t replied messages to people and have 23 missed calls on your phone.

Make it a new years resolution, to set a time limit for watching your favorite Netflix shows, you will thank yourself for that decision later!

14. Read More Books

There’s a saying that

“Today a reader, tomorrow a leader.”

– Margaret Fuller

There’s so much knowledge stored in books, passed down from generation to generation and you have the power to discover that knowledge if you open a book.

You can read or learn about anything, and go from beginner to master of any topic in no time.

Reading not only improves your knowledge, it also sharpens your grammar and gives you the confidence you need to converse properly.

This new year, make a resolution to read more books.

15. Find A Partner

Since a new year signifies a new beginning, for some people that might mean finding a life partner to start the next chapter of their lives.

Someone to share all their thoughts and secrets with, who will be with you every step of the way.

This new year, you want to be more open minded and accepting, go out more and meet new people and you just might get lucky to find “the one” in no time!

16. Practice Good Personal Hygiene

Personal grooming and hygiene is one of the first things people notice about you,

It can be quite uncomfortable to be around people with improper personal hygiene,

because you feel uncomfortable being near them and worse, you can’t tell them because you know it will hurt their feelings.

For your new years resolution, you can decide to eliminate any opportunity to have a personal hygiene problem by simply observing proper personal hygiene and grooming practices.

Always at least brush twice daily, use a mouth wash, take regular showers and use a deodorant or anti-perspirant.

17.  Make A New Years Resolution To Spend More Time with Family and Friends

Friends and family are very important to us,

They are always going to be there for us no matter what and so you must treat them with love and respect.

You should always know what’s going on in their lives and try to assist them in any way you can.

This new year make it a resolution to remember their birthdays, graduations and be there for them when they need you.

18. Drink Less Alcohol

It’s okay to have a little drink every now and then at occasions but not to drink in excess all the time,

When you do that you wake up with a bad hangover and unable to face the days challenges.

Make a decision to drink less alcohol this year.

19. Pay Off Debts

Having a debt to pay off is something that always stays at the back of your mind, hovering and bothering you.

You constantly worry about when and how to pay off your debts so you can start living your life without worry.

Make it a new years resolution to get out of debts and put more efforts into creating an income source and managing your money properly.

20. Learn a New Language You Love

We all have that one language that we really like and would absolutely love to learn,

Whether it’s because you would like to visit a country that speaks it or just because you love how it sounds when people speak it to you,

You can start learning it now…

Apps like duolingo, bisuu and babbel on google play store make it easier to learn a new language from your mobile phone for free!

How amazing is that?

21. Be More Charitable

There are so many people in the world who need help in various ways, it can be monetary, or basic life needs such as food and water, clothing, housing etc.

There might even be people around your area who need help in other ways,

They might need someone to talk to, someone to listen to them or simply give them advice.

That person could be you!

This year, try to touch someones life by being charitable and experience the joy and warmth it brings your heart just to see that smile on their faces.

If you would like to go the extra mile, you can use apps like share the meal and coinup help you donate as low as $1 to people in need.

22.  Make A New Years Resolution To Learn a New Skill

You have the opportunity to learn a new skill today that you can make a new income from tomorrow.

Websites like udemy, skillshare and coursera can help you learn just about anything you put your mind to.

With over a million videos on any and everything, these websites offer the best value when it comes to online learning.

23. Adopt a New Pet

Adopt a new pet | New Years resolution

Pets are just the best, they bring out the best in you..

If you love pets, dogs or cats etc, then maybe it’s time to get one,

Caring for a pet is a good way to bring happiness into your life because you focus on them and improving their world just as you would improve yours.

It helps you grow a lot when it comes to taking care of another living creature.

24. Travel to New Places

Make a new years resolution this year to travel to places you have always wanted to visit but haven’t had the chance.

Whip out a piece of paper and make a travel plan, calculate your estimated expenses and work towards actualizing your travel dreams!

25. Learn How to Cook

If you are a foodie or someone who simply loves to cook, this is for you!

Hone those cooking skills by taking a new cooking class!

You can find cooking schools in your area and register of one of them or simply visit any cooking channels on YouTube and improve your skills.

Give your family and friends what you have made and accept their suggestions on improvements.

Before you know it, you will be better at it than you know.

26.  Make A New Years Resolution To Be More Health Conscious

You can make a decision this year to be more conscious about your health.

Watch what you put into your body in terms of food and drinks,

Make sure to eat and drink more vegetables, fruits and drink more fresh smoothie blends to keep you at the best health.

Take time to exercise and most of all, see a doctor and follow their suggestions to better care for yourself.

27. Reinvent Yourself

It’s not uncommon to get tired of living the same life or getting bored of the same routine every day, sometimes you just want to reinvent your life.

The good news is, you aren’t stuck, you can change whatever you put your mind to, it can be anything from how you look to how you dress to things you do.

Make a new years resolution this year to do more things you love and create the perfect life for yourself.

You can start by creating a life plan, visualizing where you would like to be and get to work on it.

28. Learn To Be Punctual

Being punctual is a very good quality everyone should process,

Being early to events or appointments can sometimes be the difference between success and failure.

When you are early, you have the opportunity to prepare ahead of others and solve challenges that may come up.

You can start by always planning out your day using a to-do list and setting an alarm to make sure you get out of bed on time.

29. Become More Independent

It’s good to depend on people for help and guidance at times in life,

But a time comes when you have to do things on your own, make your own decisions and just be your own person in general.

You need to be independent,

This year, learn to make plans for your life, manage yourself and carry out your responsibilities.

Here are some tips to help you be more independent.

30.  Make A New Years Resolution To Create a New Passive Income Stream

Create Passive Income | New Years resolution

The best thing you can do for yourself is to create more than multiple income streams.

It helps you get back on your feet in case of emergencies such as a life crisis, health emergency or job loss.

There are so many passive income ideas available today and some of them require very little effort to set up,

it can be anything from investing, to starting a small business etc.

31. Get Over a Breakup

Getting over a breakup can be hard,

someone who you thought would always be part of your life suddenly isn’t there anymore, and it can be a tough one to swallow.

You need to take as much time for yourself as much as possible to heal properly,

let go of the past and move on to a new and better future.

It’s time to focus on a new chapter of your life, open yourself up to new experiences and opportunities.

Here are a few tips to help you get over a breakup.

32. Learn To Control Anger

Anger can be lethal

It can blind you to your own faults and keep you alone, isolated and in the dark with people walking on egg shells around you.

Anger management is one of the best new years resolutions you can make for yourself,

you can register or anger management classes or try to control how you react.

It takes a lot of work but it’s worth it in the end.

I have put together a few tips to help you manage anger this new year.

33. Take More Responsibility

Part of becoming an adult, is the ability to take responsibility for a lot of things,

your actions, decisions, even monetary decisions or simply just helping with house chores.

Learn to take more responsibility this year by looking around you,

noticing what needs to be done and doing it without being told.

Want to be more responsible? read this

34. Be More Open Minded

Keeping an open mind is always a good thing, you open yourself to exciting and new opportunities which you might have missed.

Try new things you haven’t done before and more importantly,

learn not to judge anything or anyone before really getting to know them.

Here are some tips to help you be more open minded.

35. Stop Comparing Your Life with Others

Comparison is can be damaging, mostly because you compare your shortcomings or bad breaks with someone else’s success.

That hardly seems fair.

It decreases your self-worth and self-esteem and also creates a feeling of jealousy towards the person to whom you are comparing yourself with.

Instead of jealousy, it might be more helpful to see that person as a mentor and ask for their advice and apply it to help you achieve your own goals.

36.  Make A New Years Resolution To Take Control of Your Finances

You could be making all the money in the world,

but if you are not managing it properly, you will still remain poor or broke.

This year make an effort to take control of your finances by creating budgets and sticking to them, putting money aside for your savings and learning to control impulsive spending.

Books like Dave Ramseys total money makeover and the millionaire next door can help shift your perspective when it comes to money.

37. Reduce the Use of Social Media

Reduce Social Media Usage | New Years resolution

Social media can be fun for catching up with friends and family but when used in excess,

the results can do more harm than good.

This new year, make a choice to reduce the amount of time you spend on social media and instead try to be more involved in real life and what’s going on around you.

To start, you can set a limit for the amount of time you spend on social media daily.

38. Learn Self Defense

Learning to defend yourself is always a good idea,

you never know when situations might come up when you are put in a position where you have to defend yourself or someone else in need of help.

Take a step and sign up for that self-defense class and get started.

39. Learn To Be More Romantic

If your goal this year is to become a better partner, then this is for you.

This year, you can make your partner feel more special by paying attention to their needs and being there for them.

For more tips, read this.

40.  Make A New Years Resolution To Pay Attention to Important Dates

It’s very easy to get carried away with life that you forget important events such as the birthday of a family member or a house warming party meant to bring the family close together.

These occasions are important and your absence is usually felt more than you might really think.

Make it a priority this year to be there for important events, save important dates in your calendar and set a reminder to help you remember them if you forget.

 It not only puts a smile on people’s faces but also gives them the assurance that you will always be there for them.

41. Be More Creative

The new year is a great time to hone your creativity skills, learn more and develop yourself mentally.

You want to look for a mentor and approach them with your ideas, ask their opinions and ask for their assistance or guidance in learning more about a subject area.

They will be willing to help.

42. Be More Artistic

Being artistic can come in so many forms, the best things about art is that it can be expressed in so many ways.

Poems, songs, dance, paintings, drawings etc, the list goes on and on and on…

You can try to improve your art by looking at already successful artists and studying their thought processes and applying them for yourself.

43. Face Your Fears

Facing your fear can mean a huge deal,

The fact that you are scared of something makes it even harder to deal with or overcome.

You need to ask yourself what it is about that thing that scares you, identify it and instead of avoiding it, put yourself through that uncomfortable situation where you have to deal with it.

It’s the only way to overcome it.

44. Start Journaling

Start Journaling | New Years resolution

Journaling helps a lot of people including myself get their thoughts out of their head and onto a piece of paper so that they can see it and deal with it.

It helps you clear your head and improve your thought process.

Keeping a journal also helps you track your growth over a long period of time and recall past experiences in vivid details.

Notebooks brands like moleskine and notebook therapy are masters when it comes to journaling notebooks, you just might like them.

45. Budget Your Money

When you budget your money, you specific make plans on what where and how you spend your money on making sure not to go over budget.

Think of budgeting as guidelines on how money should be spent, it helps you make sure you are spending the appropriate amount needed.

While saving the rest for more important things.

Budgeting apps like Toshl finance, Wallet and Spending tracker helps keep your budgets a tap away.

46. Save More Money

Sometimes, the amount of money you are pulling in from your income sources does not matter if you are not saving any of it.

Your ability to save money helps you plan your future and gives you the freedom to make certain life decisions which would otherwise be impossible.

Make it your new years resolution to save more and spend less, create a monthly savings plan and stick to it.

47. Pursue Your Dream Career

A new year is a new opportunity to pursue that dream career of your choice, its a good time to improve your current skills, learn more and if possible take courses that bring you closer to your goal.

Building a career is never easy, it takes alot of time, effort and work.

So be patient in your pursuit and don’t be too hard on yourself when things don’t go as planned.

 48. Try a New Look

Try a new look | New Years resolution

If you like to experiment with different fashion items and pieces, then this new year is the best time to try a new look.

Be it chic or cool, girly or street, the choices are in abundance,

You want to choose a style that really represents you as a person, it can be a good way to express yourself every day.

49. Be Kinder To People

Everybody you see has their own set of problems or challenges that they face every single day, just like you.

Remember to be kinder to them, what they show on the surface isn’t always the truth, there might be more to their story, there might be another reason why they act the way they do.

And you probably will never know until you are kind enough to listen.

50. Learn To Accept Change

In life, change is the one thing that is inevitable, it’s constant and something that will keep happening, there is no use in resisting it.

Make it your new years resolution to identify change and accept it, most of the time it’s not all bad, its just a new way of doing things.

It might take sometime, but you will get used to it.

51. Drink More Water

If you are in the habit of drinking less water or not drinking water at all, you need to change that.

lack of water in the body can lead to dehydration, migraine and so many other ailments, such as acne.

Set a daily goal for the number of cups of water you would like to drink daily, the recommended number is 8 glasses per day.

Try to stick to this number, your body will thank you for it.

52. Make A New Years Resolution To Practice Self-Love

Self love is a sensitive topic and one that most people avoid, however it is very important to maintain a good physical and mental state of mind.

You need to put yourself first and love yourself before you can give this love or share it with other people, you cannot give what you do not have.

Pamper yourself and be kind to yourself, give yourself lovely and encouraging words, especially when things don’t go as you expect them to.

53. Commit To a New Skincare Routine

Start a new skincare routine | New Year Resolutions

For people who take skincare very serious, this post is for you,

To get the best clear and acne free skincare kit you could possible have, you want to make sure that you are following a proper skincare routine.

Start afresh, and practice your routine daily to get maximum results.

54. Keep In Touch With People

With your life so busy and so many things to do and so many places to be, it’s easier to forget to keep in touch with a lot of people.

Try saying hi first every once in a while, call then by surprise each day and most importantly.

55. Give Up Unhealthy Habits

The good thing about having a habit, whether good or bad is that it can be changed, you can teach yourself to drop bad ones and pick up new ones,

It might take some time but it will be worth it in the end, apps like productive and habit now are available on google play store and can help you in improving your healthy habits.

Here are some tips to help you break old bad habits.

56. Practice Patience

As you may know,

All good thing come to those who wait,

A simple drop of patience can mean a lot…

If in the past year, you have judged too fast, made decisions on a whim or concluded easily, it might be time to do something different.

This new year is a new opportunity to practice patience, and learn more before jumping to conclusions, your future self will thank you for it.

57. Be Yourself

Sometimes we look at people around us and try to be more like them, maybe to feel more acceptable and relatable.

While it’s good to copy good habits, be careful not to try and become someone you are not in the process.


No one does you better than you.

Make it part of your new years resolution to be yourself and you just might find out that you are inspiring a lot of people too!

58. Set a New Years Resolution To Develop a Positive Mindset

Your mindset says a lot about you, it also creates the reality in which you live in.

If your mentality is that you can’t do something, you won’t be able to do it.

Having a positive mindset or outlook on things removes you from that box or cage you have built for yourself in your mind and lets you explore endless possibilities.

Here are 7 positive mindset tips for you to get you started.

59. Laugh More

This year, try to laugh more, don’t take everything too seriously.

Watch comedies, short funny videos on youtube, or comedy movies, or even parodies.

Anything that will make you just relax and let things go and just laugh.

Laughter can be a good therapy to a lot of ailments.

60. Stick To Your New Years Resolution

Making a new years resolution can be very easy, the real work is in sticking to that resolution.

So many people start procrastinating and eventually give up a few weeks into the New Year.

To avoid this happening to you, make sure to set measurable and attainable goals and track your progress using a goal tracker app.

This way, you can see your progress each day and when you feel like giving up, remind yourself why you started.

New Years Resolution Takeaways

It’s never too late to start over or start something,

For so many people, a new year signifies that and so a new years resolution can be the most important thing to look forward to because of the hope and assurance it brings.

And why not?

It’s a chance to be a better you, make sure to take advantage of it!