
How To Be Happier – Best 10 Steps

So many people wonder how to be happier,

What life would be like if you had real internal happiness?

being able to control your life and the way you see things around you?

being able to smile knowing that you alone hold the key to you being truly happy?

How Do You Become Happier?

Many people ask themselves why they are depressed?,

Why life is the way it is and even why situations around them cause them to be sad or even question who they really are.

In this post, we will be looking at how to be happier,

The type of happiness that isn’t linked to someone completing a task for you, or sending you a present or giving you a compliment.

The kind of happiness that you get because you simply choose to be happy.

Can A Person Learn To Be Happier?

The simple answer is yes!

Everyone has the ability to make a decision and happiness is just that, A decision

You choose to wake up everyday with a positive mindset,

You choose not to let things ruin your day or get to you,

It’s a decision that you make, because its your life, YOU CHOOSE!

How To Be Happier

1. Treating Yourself – Pamper Yourself

Pampering yourself is the first step to creating happiness for yourself, for you to be happy, you must learn to treat yourself better.

Self love is a very important key to happiness..

Things like taking yourself out on food dates is by far one of the best ways to make sure you keep smiling.

The thrill and feeling of getting to order whatever you want at your favorite little restaurant or brunch is something that you should do at least once a week.

Pampering yourself this way keeps you feeling loved and nurtured, a feeling that we all crave deep down even if we don’t admit it.

What better way to take care of yourself than to give yourself the treatment that you would like to be given.

This way you value yourself more, love yourself more and eat to your fill.

It is only when you are happy that you can give happiness, or else it is not possible to give something that you don’t have.

This weekly method of pampering yourself can help open your eyes to opportunities around you and even help you make new friends.

2. Dress How You Want To Dress

They say that the way you dress is the way you feel, this is absolutely true!

If you feel down or depressed chances are you won’t be wearing a pair of high heeled boots and that perfect little dress.

Dressing the way you want is one of the best ways to make sure that you are always feeling good.

If heels aren’t your thing, don’t wear them just because everyone is wearing them,

If you do you’ll end up feeling uncomfortable the entire day and this can totally throw your mood off.

You can still look absolutely lovely in flat shoes!

However if the way you want to dress is 9 inch heels and paired with your favorite tops and sunglasses,

Don’t let anyone stop you.

Dressing the way you want helps you feel more comfortable and confident enough to carry out your everyday tasks.

3. Build The Body You Wish To Have

We can’t talk about how to be happier without talking about body image, according to research,

Happier people are most often the ones who absolutely love the way they look.

If you feel good about the way you look, you will definitely feel good about going out and meeting new people.

Feeling comfortable in your own skin helps you be more confident in life,

So don’t be scared to spend hours at the gym working on your body trying to loose that stomach fat or building your muscle.

Getting the body that you have always dreamed of is a sure way of increasing your inner happiness and keep you feeling motivated about working to get what you want out of life.

Working on your body can also help you understand the commitment and discipline it takes to achieve a goal knowing that the end result will be awesome!

It can also help you sky-rocket your self confidence and self image and just keep you smiling whenever you look in the mirror.

4. Make Friends With People Who Bring Out The Best In You

Having friends to share your life with is one of the best ways to be truly happy,

Having people who care about you and contribute in your life while you also contribute in theirs can give you a sense of fulfillment and responsibility

It’s very important to have friends who make you smile,

Who give you good advise and support you when you are in need of support.

They don’t need to be perfect, they don’t need to know it all, or be really smart or rich,

They just need to have a good heart, to stick by you as good friends should.

Good friends can help you be the best version of yourself and you can also help them in areas they are lacking in

Most of all, good friends make each other laugh even when there’s nothing to laugh about,

They encourage each other even when they are not sure of the outcome and they stick by you no matter what.

Having these kinds of friends is rare and when you do find them, don’t let them go.

Let’s look at the next step to pure happiness….

5. Spend Some Time Alone To Get To Know Yourself More

One of the best ways to create inner happiness for for yourself is by achieving inner peace.

Inner peace comes by truly knowing yourself and who you are, knowing your faults, strengths and weaknesses

And knowing how to work on each of them and use them to be the best person that you can be.

Being okay and content with who you really are and being proud of your achievements and accomplishments are things that you achieve by spending time with yourself.

Getting to know what you like and what you hate and what makes you upset,

That way you can use this information about yourself to make better life decisions.

Don’t shy away from spending time on your own, be it a walk by the beach or a short run round the street,

It does you a whole amount of good.

It can help you clear your head and get your thoughts and actions straight.

6. Spend Time With Family, Joke Around, Play, Share In The Little Amazing Moments

This is the most important things you can do to create inner happiness for yourself.

The time spent with family is considered the most important in life,

Spending time with each other and watching each other grow and being there when they need you is extremely important.

Over all other things, family should come first.

Later on in life, even when you look back at your most happiest moments and your saddest moments,

One thing that will always be there is family, they will always be there for you when no one else is.

So make sure to never take family for granted, be there for them, however and whenever you can, trust me, you wont regret it.

7. Find A Job You Love Or Start A Business Doing What You Love

One thing people who are the happiest have in common is doing a job they absolutely love.

There’s just something amazing about waking up every morning,

Excited to go to a job that feels more like a hobby, you get along with people at work,

You laugh, smile and carry out your responsibilities cheerfully because you are happy to be there and there isn’t any other place you would rather be

Even when work is stressful you still have a smile on your face because you are happy to be there doing your job.

Even if you can’t get the job you really wish to have right now,

Or start the business you want, make sure you are doing all you can to get there,

That you are putting one stone on top of the other and creating steps that will eventually get you to where you need to be.

You will be a lot happier doing what you love every day.

8. Be Your Biggest Fan – Cheer Yourself On

In life, it isn’t always possible to have people who support you all the time, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week,

That’s why its very important to support yourself and cheer yourself on.

Give yourself pats on the back and tell yourself “you did great”, even when you didn’t,

You need to learn to be there for you before others can be there for you.

Learning to cheer yourself on and be there for yourself is probably the most important skill that you will ever learn.

So that in the midst of life’s ups and downs, dramas and hurdles, you know that you are okay,

Tell yourself that you are fine, that its no big deal, that you can do it, no matter what people say,

No matter what you face, that you are okay because you have got your back.

As a human being, you won’t always get everything right, you will make mistakes,

Sometimes big and sometimes little but instead of choosing to feel sorry for yourself, get up and tell yourself that you can do it.

Be your biggest fan.

9. Do You – Focus On Yourself

It’s very easy to get carried away, looking at other peoples lives on social media, watching them wear the best clothes and shoes and drive the best cars and go on exotic vacations.

Their lives seem so perfect to you and you keep wondering why your life can’t be like that, why your house can’t look like theirs and your clothes be more like theirs.

You start comparing your real life to someone else’s forgetting that “not all that glitters is gold”,

You don’t know what that person did to get to that level, you don’t know the sweat and tears and time it took to build all that and most of all, you don’t even know if the person you are comparing your life to is really happy.

When you spend so much time watching other peoples perfect lives, you forget to build your own perfect life, focus on you, do you, your time will come and your hustle will pay off.

You are on the right path.

10. Have A Positive Mindset – Celebrate Every Little Success

We can look at life in two ways, positively and negatively

From the positive perspective, everything is fun, life is good,

You are grateful for all you have and you attack problems with the “i can do it” attitude.

On the other hand from the negative perspective, everything irritates you,

You complain about why things aren’t going the way you want them to, why its raining,

Why you didn’t get the job, why other people are smiling all the time.

You give up easily and you get more and more frustrated.

Take a rainy day, for example, a positive-minded person is admiring the weather thinking “it’s so cool” he/she doesn’t mind getting wet and even goes on to make some hot cocoa and some thick socks and sits on the couch to see a movie on Netflix

While the other person with a negative gets frustrated thinking about the fact that it’s raining,

Wondering when it’s going to stop, thinking over and over again about all the things he/she couldn’t do during the time it was raining and gets upset that it rained in the first place,

Even though the rain wasn’t something he/she could control.

So many things in life are like that, out of your control, being able to celebrate every little success that comes your way, no matter how little will help you go far in life.

So start today!, celebrate anything and everything ans see how things change for you.

Read the Importance of having a positive mindset

How To Be Happier – Conclusion

To truly achieve happiness in life, you need to be grateful for life itself,

For the opportunities that are presented to you, be grateful for every little thing and more things will open doors for you

Face every situation with a positive mindset even when you aren’t sure of what is going to happen,

Be your biggest fan and supporter, give yourself a shoulder to lean on and give yourself the advise that you want other people to give you.

This not only makes you a stronger person, it brings people closer to you, and gives you an opportunity to help other people learn how to be happier too.

Here’s a simple recap of what we have learned…

How to be happier

  1. Pampering Yourself

2. Dressing how you wish to dress

3. Building the body you wish to have

4. Having friends that bring out the best in you

5. Spending time alone

6. Spending time with family

7. Find a job you love

8. Cheer yourself on

9. Focus on you

10. Celebrate every little success

I hope that this post has impacted your life positively,

let me know your thoughts in the comments below!,

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Thanks For Visiting My Own Little Corner Of The Internet!, Am Jennifer, A Self Proclaimed Cinephile And Foodie! I Love Helping People Discover Their Most Authentic Self, Grow Mentally And Emotionally While Having Fun On Their Journey

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