Positive Mindset | Signs You Need It

Here are the top 5 signs that you need to have a positive mindset,

Here’s how to identify a negative mindset and how it might be affecting your life and what to do about it.

What’s life without a positive mindset?

what would life be like if we looked at everything that happened to us from a negative point of view?

If we took things way too personal and assumed things right before they happened or worse, get mad over things we had no control over?

It would be utterly devastating….

Hi am Jae, and welcome to my blog, in this post,

I will be sharing with you, the effects of having a positive mindset vs a negative one

and how these two things can greatly affect the way you live your life and in other words, affect you as a person.

If you are ready, lets get right to it……

1. Its Time To Switch To A Positive Mindset When You Become Judgmental

A friend of mine once told me,

“it’s very easy to sit back and judge someone’s behavior or character without fully understanding what makes the person behave that way”.

The simple truth is, people aren’t born rude or with anger issues, or even weak, things have happened to make them that way.

Things have happened to make them think that there isn’t any other way to behave other than the way they have chosen to behave.

You can’t control the behavior of people around you, but you can always control yours,

you can control how you choose to understand things, and most of all how you react to them.

When you lack a positive mindset,

you always expect the worst or the best from people, it’s one or the other.

2. You Forget That Not Everyone Thinks The Way You Do

The idea of what is good and bad to you will be judged according to your standards,

according to what you think good is or what it should be, forgetting that not everyone sees the world the way you do.

You forget that not everyone thinks like you or has the same definition of good or bad the way you do.

There are more than 7 billion people in the world, each persons opinions and standard all unique and different.

The lives and experiences of each of these people are different from each other and so is their understanding of the world.

The thing about life is this, you are always growing, changing, and evolving

and so are your values, the values and beliefs that you hold very dear to you today, may not exist tomorrow.

Having a positive mindset helps you give people around you benefit of the doubt,

to understand that people make mistakes that they are constantly learning from every single day.

In other words, it would not make any sense to judge someone based on their way of thinking or anything for that matter today,

because tomorrow, they might know better.

Also know, that you are susceptible to this mistake,

and it would be nice if someone didn’t judge you for something you did or who you were a long time ago.

3. You Need To Switch To A Positive Mindset When You Believe People Are Plotting Against You.

The bad thing about having a negative vs a positive mindset is that,

over time, you start becoming paranoid, you see rejections or people saying no as a plot against you.

People become scared to refuse your requests because they know how you will react, or behave if they do so.

Everyone has the right to refuse your request if they are not comfortable with it,

if they feel compelled to say yes to whatever you ask of them against their wishes.

You need to sit down and re-evaluate yourself and how you are treating them.

With a negative mindset, you assume that simple a yes or no answer was an attempt to get back at you for something,

or because they don’t like you, or its because of this or that.

Something always has to be the reason why one more person doesn’t like you,

hence the reason why they didn’t say yes to your request or why they didn’t do things the way you would rather it should be done.

What if?……..Just what if?

What if they weren’t saying no, to get back at you?,

or what if they didn’t hate you?,

maybe they actually had a good reason why they turned you down?

I am a firm believer that if something is yours,

it doesn’t matter how long it takes or who gets it first,

it eventually comes to you.

Instead of seeing everything as another opportunity to dislike someone,

why not say, that it just isn’t possible right now, or tell yourself,

maybe the job wasn’t mine to keep or simply look for other ways to achieve what you want.

Having a positive mindset helps you not rush to conclusions or create unnecessary enemies,

it helps you put yourself in people’s shoes and understand where they are coming from.

4. Its Time To Switch To A Positive Mindset When People Can’t Be Themselves Around You.

Have you ever noticed that friend who is generally a very talkative person, be so quiet around you?

Truth is, they didn’t suddenly run out of things to say, they just don’t feel comfortable saying them around you.

For some reason you are probably giving off some negative energy,

perhaps they feel that you will judge them for the things they have to say or react negatively to it,

or they probably even get the feeling that you don’t like them very much.

Have you ever been told to “behave” before being introduced to someone?,

or been excluded from knowing a secret everyone else seems to know?

These signs tell you, that you probably aren’t the easiest person to talk to,

having a positive mindset helps you not become that person people avoid or walk on eggshells when you are around.

It helps to get people to be more comfortable around you

because they know that you are that person who would help them look for a way out of a problem

not the person who tells them “i told you so!” whenever they make a mistake.

5. You Need A Positive Mindset When You Start Taking Things Way Too Personal

One very obvious sign that you probably need to change your mindset is when you react very quickly and harshly to even the most minute of things.

Someone forgot to lock the door after they left or left the toilet seat up, or even lied about something.

If little things send you flying through the roof and saying all kinds of things out of anger that you will most definitely regret saying later,

throwing threats here and there.

You need to consider changing the way that you think.

With a positive mindset, you learn not to react easily because you aren’t jumping to conclusions as easily,

if someone lied to you, they probably had a reason, and guess what?

it may not be as bad as you think.

If they keep putting up the toilet seat even after you have told them not to,

they probably just got used to it, plus, it’s not such a big deal to put it down yourself.

If they forgot to lock the door, they probably just forgot, maybe they were in a hurry.

Having a positive mindset helps you insert yourself into the shoes of others

to understand why they would behave they way they have and so also help you with the reaction process.

They probably just need a little guidance or help.

Confronting people over things brings out their defensive side,

so does taking things too personal, try to find reasons why you shouldn’t get mad at people,

not reasons why you should.

6. You Have Become Too Depressed And Stressed.

You most definitely need to have a positive mindset if you have become too depressed.

Things or life in general no longer excites you, you would rather be alone than hangout with friends,

you have become too quiet, you don’t understand why things are they way they are, you get frustrated very easily.

Someone once told me, “life isn’t a bed of roses,

things you want aren’t just going to come to you, you need to go out and get it”,

and you can’t do that if you are depressed because there isn’t any motivation to do so.

Having a positive mindset gives you a sense of purpose and hope and renews the way you look at things or events.

It helps you to see that one good event that has happened in between other bad events and helps you to celebrate that one good thing.

Having a positive mindset helps you to look at things from a new point of view, it helps you to give yourself a chance to celebrate every little success, forget the past and open your mind to something new and better.

It helps you to keep living life, grateful for what and who you have now and hopeful about what tomorrow brings.


I am not going to be that person that tells you that once you have a positive mindset,

everything is going to be easy or perfect, or that it solves all of your problems.

A positive mindset keeps you alive and gives you a reason not to give up, because with a positive mindset you know,

that tomorrow is another chance to be a better you and get what you want from life.

A positive mindset gives you a new outlook on life itself and helps you to keep going,

it also makes life easier for you by improving the way you relate with other people.

No one wants to be around negative minded people, because they suck the fun and hope out of everything,

when you have a negative mindset, it rubs off on people around you and that why everyone avoids it.

I hope that this post has helped you solve a problem in your life,

or inspire you to become a better version of yourself,

don’t forget to leave a comment telling me what you thought about it,

share this post to someone who you think might benefit from it.

Read How To Achieve A Positive Mindset….

Read The Ten Steps To Happiness here…


Thanks For Visiting My Own Little Corner Of The Internet!, Am Jennifer, A Self Proclaimed Cinephile And Foodie! I Love Helping People Discover Their Most Authentic Self, Grow Mentally And Emotionally While Having Fun On Their Journey

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