Personal Finance

Not Making Money Online? – Top 9 Reasons Why

Everyone thinks making money online is soooo easy…

That is until they try it, once, twice and then the third time they like…..”this doesn’t work!”

But the truth is… does….

It is just a little harder than you thought and needs a bit more effort and dedication than you are used to giving, especially when you want to start making money online from home.

I remember when i first earned my first $20 online, it was for writing an article for someone on fiverr and i remember thinking at the time that “wow, this is amazing!”.

I was happier for the fact that it actually worked and it actually was possible!

Not because i earned $20, from then i knew that the sky was the limit for me, i wanted to pursue it until i became a guru at it and you can too.

In this post, we will be looking at 9 shocking reasons why you are not making any money online no matter how hard you try and what to do about it!

9 Reasons You Are Not Making Money Online

1. You Thought It Was Going To Be Easy!

When you first start out looking for how to make money online, it’s usually because you have seen other people making money online and you assume that you can do it too…

You assume that no matter what, if someone else can do it, then you can too…right?


Believe it or not, making money online isn’t for everyone, some people just have the skills and initiative to figure stuff out and go from there, some people had to work hard to be able to make a dime online and some people never do.

It takes some people weeks, others months and many years before they can make money online,

The ones who you see earning enough from their online business are usually those who have dedicated a measure of their time and effort into their online business and that is why they see the results that they have.

If you can’t work as hard as those people, then maybe making money online isn’t for you.

2. You Are Not Consistent And Dedicated

Many people start out trying to make money online, with a good idea, a great plan and maybe even the required skills…but then along the way… becomes harder and harder to just focus.

In the business of making money online, every little effort and step you take daily adds up to give you the results that you want and so, if you are taking the wrong steps or not taking any steps at all…then making money online might not be for you.

Making consistent income online requires you to be consistent and regular, keep posting, keep trying, keep learning, keep reading, keep networking, all these little efforts seem small individually but when added up, can make a lot of difference to you and your business.

Take up classes, attend seminars, read books and just stay dedicated and focused on your goal, that’s the only way it will work, there are no shortcuts.

3. You Are Selling The Wrong Product

Ask yourself this question, with your current skills and knowledge, what product can you offer to an audience that they would buy and actually not regret buying?

What is the one thing that you know up to 70% about that you can offer a product on to an online audience that would completely change their lives or improve it?

Now ask yourself, if that is what you are selling….

You see, it takes, passion, knowledge and a willingness to learn more for you to make money in any niche whatsoever, without these three things, you are basically selling a product that you don’t believe in, you wouldn’t buy and you probably don’t even need.

And if you feel this way about your product, why should someone else buy it from you?

Learn to create the right product for your target audience

4. You Are Not Patient

I have been in the online marketing game for a while now to know that it is not a “Get rich quick” scheme.

All your efforts need time to mature…to grow and to make their impact.

For example, it takes an average of 6 months for a new blog post link on google to get indexed and show up in the google search engine result pages.

6 Months!

That means that you might have a really great post but it may not start getting clicks until 6 months later…

So what if you are someone who has a short patience streak? you would probably give up after the first month right? or heck the first week!

If you are planning on making money legally online, long term, then you need to put in long term efforts, don’t just create a product one day and hope for a miracle the next day,

It hardly ever works like that.

5. You Need To Re-Think Your Strategy

As content creators, the hardest thing sometimes can be to admit that you might be wrong.

Look at it this way, you are creating great content, your products are 100%, and everything is perfect, or so you think….

But what do your customers think?, what are your competitors doing differently?, why are they selling more products than you?, what is missing?, these are questions you need to be asking yourself.

What am i doing that is working? and what am i doing that isn’t?, how can i improve what is working and let go of what isn’t?

What strategy can i implement that will work better.

Since the digital marketing world keeps evolving and changing, strategies that worked a few years back would probably be less successful if implemented now.

Try to keep up with what has changed in the digital market and adjust your product and marketing strategies to fit into the recent trends.

6. You Are Not Networking

If you ever plan to make any money online, then i cannot further stress the importance of networking.

It is something that you simply need if you want to become an online success, regardless of your niche, your audience, or your products.

You need to meet with people in that niche and talk to them, ask them questions, make new friends in your industry, people who can help you by giving you tips here and there of what works and what doesn’t.

The downside of not networking that most people don’t know about is that; you will probably learn what it is you needed to eventually, but then you’d have spent months and sometimes years learning something that someone else would have told you for free, if only you spoke with them.

Take out the time to connect with other creators, i promise, you will learn a lot.

7. You Don’t Know Your Customers Well Enough

The funniest part about content creators and marketers all looking to make money online these days is that they think they know the customer too well.

They don’t ask the customer what the customer wants, they automatically assume that because this is their niche, they can guess what the customer would like to buy.

My advice? – STOP GUESSING!

Instead of guessing, get out there and ask your customers what they want, go on Reddit and Quora and ask your customers questions, find out what your customers are searching for, and what products are they asking for? what content are they looking for? what is the biggest problem they are facing?

Then create a product that solves this problem.

8. You Have No Authority In Your Chosen Niche

Let me ask you a question, how many times have you hesitated before buying a product online because you don’t know the merchant well enough and so can’t decide if their products will be worth it or not?

3?, 5? 10 times?

It is human nature to want to make sure that they are getting the best value for their money, which is why if they don’t trust you, they don’t buy from you…

To make money online, you need to position yourself as a trustworthy authority figure in that industry, this takes a while but when done correctly, it can change everything for the better.

Start building authority in your niche right away, create epic content, network with experts in your field, share your thoughts and opinions, let people know your name, let people know your story, that is the only way they will trust you enough to buy from you.

9. You Are Not Providing Any Value

The internet is vast, there are so many people already making money from the same thing you want to make money from, the same product, the same idea, the same content, so what makes yours different from others?

What value does your product bring to the table that others don’t?, why should people buy from you?

If you plan to just copy off what other people are doing or selling, you are going to be knocked out of the market faster than you can say “i”.

Instead of focusing on making money, focus on providing value first, create something that people won’t forget, something that they keep coming back to no matter what because they need it.

Create a product that is one of a kind in the market and watch your income rise with it.


There it is!…

My top 9 Reasons why you simply aren’t making money online and what you need to do about it.

The journey to making a stable and reliable online income is a long one, there are no shortcuts, if you want to be successful then you need to give it your all, you need to try your best every day.

Set achievable goals for your business and make good decisions, study up about your interest, make changes, create connections with other experts in your niche and most importantly, have patience.

It will all work out.

Did you like this post? was there something I missed? something you feel should have made this list? let me know, and leave a comment below!


Thanks For Visiting My Own Little Corner Of The Internet!, Am Jennifer, A Self Proclaimed Cinephile And Foodie! I Love Helping People Discover Their Most Authentic Self, Grow Mentally And Emotionally While Having Fun On Their Journey

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