The Negative Mindset Trap & How To Face It Once And For All!


A negative mindset can be the worst….

Not only because it changes the reality of your world,

But because, it also keeps you captivated inside your mind thinking there’s no way out of your situation, when in reality…

There really is….

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What Is Negative Thinking?

Man pointing to his head showing negative mindset

Negative thinking is a continuous and repetitive way of thinking,

Where everything you think about yourself, your experiences and your surroundings stem from a negative point of view. 

A negative mindset clouds your judgement and stops you from seeing the beauty that life has to offer….

It stops you from appreciating the little thing, seeing opportunities or even taking advantage of them….

If you have a negative mindset, know that it’s not the end of the world,

Just like any habit, it can be changed….

There are so many signs that tell you it’s time to change your mindset.

What Causes A Negative Mindset?

There are so many things that cause a negative mindset, however these points I have listed below are the most common

1. Over-Analyzing and Over Thinking

Something happens, you think about it and it upsets you,

You talk about it, argue about it, complain about it…shout about it…

You get even more stressed about it, you lose your appetite, all the while being angry..

Wondering why the situation occurred…

Why it happened….

And what you should have done that you didn’t do…and how the decision you took has led you to where you are right now.


You need to understand that things happen, good things and bad things alike…

They happen to even the best of people

When something bad happens, the way to handle it is not to keep thinking about it….but to just forget it.

Another method that works when someone offends you is to assume that the person is just having a bad day…

And that they aren’t usually like this….

And just move on..

2. Past Experiences Can Cause A Negative Mindset

When something negative happens to you in your past….whether as a child or otherwise..

It sticks with you….

Since it’s something you experienced when you were younger or unprepared to deal with such an experience,

You have no idea how to handle it…

Your mind only prepares itself to be ready when something like that happens again…

With this mindset, you go around expecting things to happen to you…

But tell yourself that it doesn’t matter right? Because you are ready…

When the truth is….you shouldn’t be….

It shouldn’t have happened to you in the first place…

But it did….

That doesn’t mean it’ll keep happening…

Leave it in the past, so that you can move on to a better future.

3. Unresolved Anger or Grudge

When you hold negative and unresolved anger and emotions,

you stand the risk of those negative feelings and emotions consume you totally,

It is always advisable to look for an outlet.

A way to get rid of these feelings,

It can be anything from talking to someone you trust who really understands you or directly talking to the person involved to get some closure and move on.

4. Lack of Self Confidence

One of the biggest causes of negative thinking is the lack of self-confidence,

When you grow up thinking that there’s something wrong with you….

Or that you aren’t fit for something, or not good enough…..these types of feelings can play a huge role in bringing down your self-esteem.

Which in turn lowers your self-confidence.

5. Financial Instability Can Lead To A Negative Mindset

Being born or brought up in a family or surrounding where you have to constantly search for and look for ways to make money..

Makes you want to do everything possible to become rich

While that is a good goal,

it can quickly turn to an obsession and can result in frustration when your goal is not being met,

creating a negative mindset when it comes to money.

6. Underestimating Yourself

The biggest mistake you can do as a person is to go about underestimating yourself or writing yourself off…

Telling yourself, I can’t do this or am not cut out for this…

Makes you believe it after a while…

You create a negative mindset about yourself and your skills and end up getting jealous or frustrated when you see people doing something you really wish to do.

7. Blaming Yourself For Situations Beyond Your Control Can Cause A Negative Mindset

The king of negative thinking is self-blame,

Maybe, things haven’t been going right….

You didn’t get that job you want or someone you liked didn’t like you back…

You need to understand that these things are beyond your control…

There isn’t anything you can do about it….

So shake it off and move on…

How to Stop Negative Thinking

Woman Meditating to get rid of a negative mindset

1. Let It All Out and Cry If You Need To.

2. Live In the Present

3. Try to Laugh More, Watch More Comedy.

4. Focus on the Good Things Not The Bad Things

5. Practice Gratitude, Look For Things In Life That You Are Thankful For.

6. Keep a Journal, Write Down Your Feelings And Emotions, It Can Be A Great Form Of Therapy.

7. Spend Time with Positive Minded People So That Their Positivity Rubs Off On You

8. Talk and Think About Yourself Positively Because That’s Where Positivity Starts.

9. Leave What Happened Yesterday In The Past, Start Everyday Afresh On a Positive Note

10. Get Out Of Your Comfort Zone, Face Your Fears and Create New Memories.

Here are 21 negative thinking quotes to help you get rid of a negative mindset.

Negative Thinking Quotes


“Your thoughts carry you wherever you want to go. Weak thoughts don’t have the energy to carry you far!”

― Israel moreAyivor


“To build self-esteem, you have to outface your negative beliefs about yourself and change them.”

― AsmaaDokmak


“Do not allow yourself to be bogged down by the negative thinking of others.”

― Asa Don Brown


“In order to reach your highest potential, it is imperative that you remove all negative people from your life.”

― Germany Kent


“Negativity will distract you from your goals, so don’t entertain it.”

― Carlos Wallace


“Sometimes in order to move the mind forward we must shift its gears out of reverse.”

― Curtis Tyrone Jones


“A positive brain can never give you the negative thoughts”

― J. Tisa


“You can’t change your past. The only thing you can change is your perspective of your past!”

― Dr Jeffrey L Gurian


“Negative thinking is contagious. Do your best not to dwell on negativity, it will consume you and prevent you from becoming your best self.”

― Germany Kent


Once you replace negative thoughts with positive ones, you’ll start having positive results

Willie Nelson


Negative thoughts stick around because we believe them, not because we want them or choose them

Andrew J. Bernstein


I hope that others can turn their negative thoughts into positive thoughts and improve their own lives.

Farrah Abraham


There are times when we are just not very kind to ourselves. The problem with our negative thoughts is that the latest science has revealed that thoughts are very powerful, even impacting us physically

Elizabeth Thornton


“If you are positive, you’ll see opportunities instead of obstacles.” 

― WidadAkrawi


“Whether you think you can or you think you can’t either way you are right!” 

― Henry Ford


Every once in a while you gotta stop worrying or thinking and just let go. Have some fun in your life. Trust me, it’s worth it.” 

– Unknown


 Take a walk outside – it will serve you far more than pacing around in your mind.

― Rasheed Ogunlaru


Start thinking positively. You will notice a difference. Instead of “I think I’m a loser,” try “I definitely am a loser.” Stop being wishy-washy about things! How much more of a loser can you be if you don’t even know you are one? Either you are a loser or you are not. Which is it, stupid?

― Ellen DeGeneres


“When you have experienced the depth of your inner self, the idea of enlightenment is no longer a goal to strive towards, but rather an attitude to maintain.” 

― Gary Hopkins


 “Stop letting people who do so little for you control so much of your mind, feelings and emotions” 

– Will Smith


When I have these negative thoughts and feelings, I like to dig into them because I like to get under them and see what’s in there.

– Baron Vaughn